Philosophy News in 2023

Happy New Year, philosofriends! Before Daily Nous returns to a more regular posting schedule (next week) I thought it would be worth taking a look at the philosophy-related news and issues that captured the attention of the philosophy profession in 2023.

[photo by Justin Weinberg]

The biggest events in the philosophy profession over the past year (based on the popularity of Daily Nous posts, adjusted somewhat for publication date, and judged to be “about the philosophy profession”) were:

Academic philosophy journals were discussed across a number of posts in 2023, apart from the news about the Journal of Political Philosophy and Philosophy of Physics. Some of the more popular posts on the subject include:

Relatedly, there were several posts about philosophical writing and communication:

Large language models such as ChatGPT and the prospect of other developments in AI, continued to prompt several kinds of discussions here. Some were about the technology and its significance, such as:

Other discussions concerned how LLMs might be used by academics to write or philosophize:

And several focused on the challenges of teaching students who have access to this technology, such as:

There were, of course, other discussions of teaching and teaching resources, including:

Several posts about data and information related to graduate programs in philosophy were published this year, including:

A number of posts were about philosophy job market information, such as:

And though there were many posts about cuts to philosophy programs and colleges eliminating philosophy majors, there were also a couple of news items about some positive developments:

As usual, there were several posts discussing metaphilosophical matters such as what philosophy is or what it ought to be, or what philosophers should do or be like, including:

And some on whether studying philosophy improves one’s thinking:

There were a number of posts about public philosophy and outreach, among which were:

That last one was part of the very popular series, “Philosophers on the Israel-Hamas Conflict“, which now has nine posts in it.

It and another in that series were among the most commented upon posts of 2023, the top five of which are:

Faculty moves announced in 2023 can be found here.

2023 saw the deaths of several philosophers. You can see a list of them, with links to memorial notices, here.

One of the last posts of the previous year was Philosophy You Liked Published in 2023. That post is still open for comments, and I urge readers to continue to add to the growing list of works there.

Some notes of thanks:

Thank you to the philosophers who authored guest posts for Daily Nous over the past year, including during the second annual Summer Guest Post Series, which I am hoping will be a regular feature from now on.

Thanks to John Hunt (tech support), Michael Glawson (online philosophy resources weekly updates), Dustin Sigsbee (assistant editor, Fall 2023) and the very talented philosopher-comics Pete Mandik, Tanya Kostochka, Rachel Katler, and Ryan Lake.

Thanks, also, to the supporters of Daily Nous and the organizations that advertise here.

Thanks to the people who write in to let me know about news, information, and achievements.

Finally, thank you, Daily Nous readers. It is a privilege to provide this service, and I appreciate you reading and commenting on the posts here. 2024 will see the tenth anniversary of Daily Nous—can you believe it?—and I certainly wouldn’t have kept it running all these years without you.

Of course, I recognize that not everyone reading the site likes me, my views, and how I run things. I’m open to criticism, of course, but I’m also reassured by the saying, “you can’t please all of the people all of the time”. It’s reassuring because philosophers are people, too, and anyone who has spent any time observing philosophers can tell you that being pleased all the time is not something we want.

With that, so long 2023.

I hope you all have a beautiful 2024.

— Justin Weinberg


* Some readers have asked why DN has not followed-up on this news story, particularly on how the victims are doing and what steps the university has taken in response. The answer is in part owed to preferences of those involved in the incident, as conveyed to us by others. We can report, though, that the attacker has been charged with attempted murder, four counts of assault with a weapon, three counts of aggravated assault, two counts of possessing a weapon, and one count of mischief for damaging a Pride flag, and has a court date coming up in January, according to the Waterloo Region Record.

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Patrick Lin
6 months ago

Thanks, Justin and team—this is more than a website or blog but a much-needed discussion space for the entire profession. I learned a lot from it!

Patrick Lin
Reply to  Patrick Lin
6 months ago

Just saw your Supporters button, but I don’t have a Patreon account. Do you have Venmo info you can share here or email privately?