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Daily Nous provides news for and about the philosophy profession, useful information for academic philosophers, links to items of interest elsewhere, and an online space for philosophers to publicly discuss it all. The site is maintained by me, Justin Weinberg, an associate professor of philosophy at the University of South Carolina.

With over 7.5 million views per year, Daily Nous is one of the leading sites of its kind. It has been reported about or cited in The New York Times, The Washington Post, National Public Radio, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Inside Higher Ed, The New York Review of Books, The Financial Times, New York Magazine, Vox, and various other media outlets, and has had its content recommended by The Browser, Open Culture, Bookforum, and other well-known web curators. You can follow the site on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. You can also support the site via Patreon.

Daily Nous began on Friday, March 7, 2014. The name of the blog includes an ancient Greek word, nous, meaning “intellect” or “understanding,” that is sort of pronounced like “news,” and so “Daily Nous” sounds a bit like “daily news.”

If you have news you would like to share, or other items you think would be of interest to professional philosophers, please send it to [email protected]. If you would like to share information confidentially, please say so in your correspondence and I will not reveal you as a source. If you spot an error on the site, please contact me.

Comments are welcome, though please take a look at the comments policy.

Entries are time-stamped in the Eastern Time Zone.

Daily Nous often links to other sites and material that I think will be of interest to some readers. Please note that my linking to another site does not imply an endorsement of the site, its content, or its creators. Daily Nous occasionally publishes guest posts by others on topics that I think will be of interest to some readers. Guest posts express the views of the author; my publishing of a guest post does not imply that I or others associated with Daily Nous endorse the content of the post.

If you are interested in advertising on Daily Nous, email me. Ad spots may be booked up months in advance; prospective advertisers with date-sensitive ads should plan accordingly. Some ads on the site are directly booked by me, and some are supplied by Raptive, an ad network.

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Justin Weinberg

Thinker Analytix: innovative tools for teaching clear and courageous thinking
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8 years ago

Was the email list updated? I used to get a daily email, but I haven’t received one in months. This is by far my favorite blog.

HHazhir Teimourian
7 years ago

Well chosen, Dr Weinberg. I have wondered for some time whether ‘nous’ is the original of ‘nafs’ which, in nearly all the Middle Eastern languages has come to stand for ‘the slef’? Anyway, even though I’m not a professional – for I’ve started an MA degree at the age of 76! – I plan to follow your website hence. I was searching for comment on the Web on the late Derek Parfit when I discovered you. So, power to your elbows and may you prosper!
Hazhir Teimourian, London.

HHazhir Teimourian
7 years ago

Sorry about the double H there. Does that count as a senior moment?

Hazhir Teimourian
7 years ago

And I have just found another. I meant ‘self’, of course.

Surajit Barua
Surajit Barua
7 years ago

Dr. Weinberg, you are doing a great service to the profession.Thank you very much. My worries about the profession lessen when i think about people like you. Please keep up the good work. All the best.

Adam Gerard
Adam Gerard
5 years ago

Great blog! Thanks for maintaining this!

SSSlow Reader
SSSlow Reader
4 years ago

I just stumbled into this wonderful Blog!
I am now going to venture into all the different pages of content —
Fascinating and compelling — thank you for curating this information!
Your 60-year-old philosophy-novice

M.G. Piety
2 years ago

I realized recently that I hadn’t gotten any Daily Nous emails for awhile, so I went directly to the website and discovered that it was now possible to become a regular supporter of the site. Great idea! I have already signed up and will post about it to FaceBook. This site is a tremendous resource for philosophers!

Carla Bagnoli
3 months ago




Midterm Conference of the S.I.F.A. (Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy)

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia, 2-3 December 2024


The deadline for submission is August 31st, 2024.



Keynote speakers:

·       Katharina Bauer (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
·       Andrew Chignell (Princeton University)
·       Andrea Kern (University of Leipzig)


General Aim

The Conference aims to gather papers in all domains of analytic philosophy which are directly or indirectly related to Kant’s conception of orientation.




This conference aims to address the import and impact of Kant’s metaphor of orientation in analytic philosophy, with regard to epistemology, perception theory, cognition theory, moral
philosophy, theory of practical and moral reasoning, action theory, aesthetics, and history of analytic philosophy.


The Italian Society of Analytic Philosophy invites submitted symposia and papers for this meeting. Submissions will be blind-refereed and selected on the basis of quality and philosophical relevance.


Topics might include, but are not limited to:


§  Kant on orientation in (moral) thinking

§  The metaphor of orientation/disorientation

§  Orientation and disorientation in (moral, political) thinking

§  Orientation and disorientation in thinking

§  Orientation and disorientation in perception and self-perception

§  Orientation and disorientation in knowledge, and self-knowledge

§  Orientation and disorientation and mutual recognition

§  Orientation and disorientation and cognition

§  Orientation and disorientation and judgment

§  Orientation and disorientation and (shared, collective) action

§  Orientation and disorientation and (epistemic, moral, political) conflict

§  Orientation and disorientation and (epistemic, practical, moral, political) reasoning


Session Papers should not exceed a length of 25 minutes (about 12 double-spaced pages) for a total 60 minutes session.


Symposia are allocated a two-hour slot and consist of a set of 4 papers on a common theme.

Symposia organisers should submit an outline of the symposium along with a list of speakers and abstracts as a single document.

Please do not submit more than one PDF file per symposium.




All submissions will be blind reviewed. The selection process will focus on quality and philosophical significance. Abstracts must be written in English, submitted as pdf files, and prepared for blind review. Please submit (i) a short abstract of max 300 words and (ii) a long abstract of max 1000 words, references included.

Long abstracts should clearly outline the main claims and the argument.

Participants can only send one contribution as first authors, but they can appear as second authors of other contributions.

Submissions should be sent to the following address:

[email protected]

The deadline for submission is August 31th, 2024. Notification of acceptance is expected by Nov. 1st, 2024.



Participation in the Conference is allowed only upon payment of the conference fee, by bank transfer to:

Società Italiana di Filosofia Analitica

Cariparma Crédit-Agricole (via Armorari, 4 20123 Milano)

IBAN: IT07H0623001627000045841814

Ø  After completing the payment, please forward a pdf file containing payment confirmation to [email protected].

Early bird conference registration (by Nov 15th, 2024):

€ 105,00: faculty (includes the 2024/25 SIFA membership)

€ 55,00: others (includes the 2024/25 SIFA membership)

Late conference registration (after November 15th, 2024):

€ 125,00: faculty (includes the 2024/25 SIFA membership)

€ 65,00: others (includes the 2024/25 SIFA membership)


Early bird registration will be open on October 15th, 2024.

Ø  Registration for Bachelor and Master Students: All Bachelor and Master students (Lauree Triennali & Magistrali) can attend the Conference by only paying the 2024/25 SIFA membership: €30

Ø  The conference fee does NOT cover the conference dinner.

Ø  Instructions for the registration to the conference dinner will be provided in due time.


• Deadline for submission: August 31st, 2024

• Notification of acceptance: Nov 1st, 2024

• Registration opens: October 15th, 2024

• Early registration by Nov 15th, 2024


Organizing Committee

Alberto Voltolini (President), Cristina Amoretti (Vice-president), Carla Bagnoli, Marta Benenti, Sofia Bonicalzi, Camilla Cadice, Damiano Canale, Massimo Dell’Utri, Filippo Ferrari, Mara Floris, Pietro Maffettone, Cristina Meini, Lorenzo Manera, Marco Mazzone, Luca Zanetti.


Malaguzzi International Centre, Viale Ramazzini, 72/A 42124 Reggio Emilia


All inquiries should be addressed to

[email protected]


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