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public philosophy


APA Op-Ed Contest Nominations Due Soon

The American Philosophical Association (APA) holds an annual contest for the best editorial or opinion pieces published by philosophers:

The goal is to honor five standout pieces that successfully blend philosophical argumentation with an op-ed writing style. Winning submissions will call public attention, either directly or indirectly, to the value of philosoph..


New Public Philosophy Prize

The Marc Sanders Foundation, which already sponsors a number of philosophy prizes, has agreed to sponsor an award for public philosophy: $4500 and publication of the winning essay in Philosophers’ Imprint. Four runners-up will receive honorable mentions. The award committee is chaired by Susan Wolf, and includes Thomas Hofweber, Barry Maguire, and Patricia O’Toole. ..


Examples of Public Philosophy

Barry Maguire (UNC) is attempting to get a new prize for public philosophy up and running. By “public philosophy” he means “anything with significant philosophical content or method written by someone with significant philosophical trainining primarily for an audience of non-philosophers.”

He is collecting examples of public philosophy but is having trouble findi..