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Crash Course: Metaethics

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Crash Course: Metaethics

Natalia Cecire, a lecturer in English and American literature at Sussex, has embarked upon an interesting project called “Crash Courses for the Desperate”:

Lately I’ve been thinking about what to do with students who suddenly need to get up to speed in a field, and don’t have time to take a course or immerse themselves in it for a year. I’m especially thinking of..

How Philosophy Changed Your Students’ Minds

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How Philosophy Changed Your Students’ Minds

Jennifer Baker (College of Charleston) asked the students in her introductory philosophy course to report (anonymously) “ideas of theirs that changed after studying some philosophy.” I think this is a great idea for learning what kinds of topics and readings make an impact on the students’ thinking, which can be of use in both planning and pitching philosophy course..

2015 Lebowitz Awards to Alvin Goldman & Jennifer Lackey

Phi Beta Kappa, the honor society, announces:

Alvin Goldman and Jennifer Lackey are the 2015 recipients of the Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prizes for Philosophical Achievement for their topic titled “Social Epistemology.”  The Lebowitz Prizes, offered by Phi Beta Kappa in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association, offer significan..