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Philosophy Teaching Games

Do you use games as a teaching tool in your philosophy course? And if so, which games, and to teach what? The questions were prompted by a friend drawing attention to “The Hobbes Game” by John Immerwahr (in the Fall 1976 issue of Teaching Philosophy).  He lays out the game in the first few pages of the article, reproduced below. See the full article for a discus..

When To Quit Academia (Ought Experiment)

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When To Quit Academia (Ought Experiment)

Welcome back to Ought Experiment! Today’s question is from a full professor that has done everything right, built a successful career, and yet finds her/himself miserable in professional philosophy. S/he wants to know whether it’s just a case of burnout or whether it’s time to go:

Dear Louie,


I have been a professor for almost 20 years. I’ve worked h..