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Cogito: A New Group Philosophy Blog

Cogito, a new group philosophy blog, has launched. It currently has a roster of nine philosophers, all based in Australia: Matthew Beard (Australian Defence Force Academy), Russell Blackford (Newcastle), Laura D’Olimpio (Notre Dame Australia), Clive Hamilton (Charles Sturt U.), Duncan Ivison (Sydney), Greg Restall (Melbourne), Matthew Sharpe (Deakin), Patrick Stokes..


The Philosophy of Passing

The story of Rachel Dolezal’s outing as a white woman (insert whatever scare quotes you think appropriate there) is being widely discussed all over the place, including, now, the philosophy blogosphere. I’ll be putting up a post comprised of contributions from several philosophers here by the end of the weekend, but in the meanwhile, Daniel Silvermint (Connecticut) ..


A Problem With Studying One’s Own Oppression (updated)

Joseph Heath (Toronto) describes an obstacle to inquiry:

The problem is that, when you’re studying your own oppression, and you’re obviously a member of the oppressed group in question, people who are basically sympathetic to your situation, but who disagree with your specific claims, are going to be extremely hesitant to challenge you, because they don’t want to..

Intro Philosophy Books and Race

Nathan Nobis (Morehouse) writes in with a request:

I am seeking help with a small research project regarding race and philosophy. This project would be to (a) make a list of introductory philosophy and ethics textbooks and anthologies and (b) review those books to see what content they have regarding race. This is to find out what readings various anthologies con..


Descartes on Spring Break

Tommy Maranges, AKA Philosophy Bro (@PhiloBro) has written a book. It’s a translation of Descartes’ Meditations. A translation into which language, you ask? Modern vernacular. Or, as the kids say, “as the kids say.”

His version starts off with:

HOLY SHIT FUCK ME, it feels like my eyeballs are going to explode. I barely remember shit and I lost my phone, I blew..