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Who Deleted What From Heidegger’s Works, And Who Knew About It? (updated)

FAZ, one of the main newspapers in Germany, reports on the unraveling scandal regarding Heidegger’s anti-Semitic writings. The latest, I am told, is that Peter Trawny, one of the editors of the Gesamtausgabe, the definitive collection of Heidegger’s works (he edited the now infamous Black Notebooks) has admitted in a recent interview that he was pressured by the lea..


Is Phenomenology Philosophically Unproductive?

Recently, AskPhilosophers received the following question:

Why is so little phenomenology taught and researched in North American philosophy departments? Because it studies the essence of consciousness is it too continental for your analytic minds? Why must philosophy be categorized so strictly?

Jonathan Westphal (Hampshire College) responded:

I think the a..


Schliesser Offered Chair at Amsterdam

Eric Schliesser, currently Research Professor in Philosophy and Moral Sciences at Ghent University, has been offered a Chair in Political Theory in the Political Science department at the University of Amsterdam. He reports that he “will almost certainly accept.” Profesor Schliesser works mainly in the history of modern philosophy and philosophy of economics. He als..


New Hires at Ohio State

Tristram McPherson, currently in the Department of Philosophy at Virginia Tech, will be taking up a position as associate professor of philosophy at The Ohio State University starting in September, 2015. Professor McPherson works in ethics and meta-ethics. The university is also hiring Amy Shuster, currently in the Department of Political Science at Virginia Tech, a..