From Ordinary Vandalism to the Philosophical (updated)

From Ordinary Vandalism to the Philosophical (updated)

By now many of you have heard that Kant’s house was spray-painted with the words meaning something like “Kant is an idiot” (the BBC reports that it says “Kant’s a sucker”). The Moscow Times informs us that Kant’s home, in what was known as Prussia but is now Kalingrad, Russia, “is in ruins and has become a hot spot for drinking and debauchery among local youths.”

This is terrible. You figure that if someone was going to spray-paint Kant’s house they would have put a little more thought into it. “Kant is an idiot?” Really? Why not “Spray-painting your house is universalizable”? I don’t know who was responsible for this, but he or she could have done better.

So that such future opportunities are not wasted, I hereby open the thread for suggestions. What should future vandals of Kant’s and other philosophers’ houses say?

UPDATE: Looks like they have a suspect…

Kant Vandalism Hume copy


UPDATE 2: The suspect is saying that no one will ever be able to prove he caused this vandalism.

REAL UPDATE: It appears that officials in Kalingrad are planning to restore Kant’s house. Word has it that, among other repairs, the wall between the dining room and the music parlor will be soundproofed.

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9 years ago

maybe the vandal was quoting nietzsche in “the anti-christ”?

Ms. Cat
Ms. Cat
9 years ago

“If you can see this wall, and you can see this spray paint, you can damn well see this vandalism” — on Ryle’s house.

9 years ago

Berkeley’s house: “Esse est graffiti”

9 years ago

“Will to Powerwash?” (Written in the dust on Nietzsche’s house)

9 years ago

Descartes’s house: “Was Kilroy here?”

Warren Goldfarb
Warren Goldfarb
9 years ago

On Wittgenstein’s house (in Vienna, not Cambridge): “Schweigen!”

Chris Stephens
Chris Stephens
9 years ago

On Epimenides’ house: “This is not graffiti”

9 years ago

On each brick in Wittgenstein’s house: “Slab!”

Richard Galvin
9 years ago

Is Alastair still on the lam?

Alan White
Alan White
9 years ago

A.N. Whitehead’s house: “Offending Neologist Apprehended!”

9 years ago

“Am I doing this with a good will, motherfucker?”

Richard Galvin
9 years ago

More likely “revisited” the crime scene.
Launch the dragnet!

9 years ago

Dear Professor Kant,
Learning about the correct spelling of your name somehow disillusioned me.
PS. [Still addressed to Kant.] I guess Professor Sidney Morgenbesser would appreciate this.

9 years ago

Kaliningrad Administration promised to restore the home of Kant, they bought it from its owner recently, in response to this graffiti I am believe. So it is possible a bit too late. Actually, ‘loh’ (лох) is nor idiot, nor sucker… Like in Glinka’s ‘беспечных лохов сонный рой тревожит меткою острогой.’ I was more interested in a heart and a flower as addition to the graffiti. Look like an attempt through publicizing gaining resources for restoration.

9 years ago

So, no reason for update? The fact, that home where Kant spent few years and which never belong to him is a big news for world philosophy. But the fact that it will be rebuilt – is not? – shame on you! It is a pity how easy philosophers fall to russopobic hysteria