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Welcome the APA’s New Blog

The American Philosophical Association (APA) has launched its new blog. Though I had urged as a possible name “APAplexy” (during a particularly turbulent time here, comments-wise), and others had chimed in with other options such as “APAcalypse,” “APAria,” “APAdosis,” etc., the blog is called “Blog of the APA” (BAPA? BOT-APA?). Lead editor Lewis Powell (Buffalo), in..

“Reputation Traps” in Philosophy

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“Reputation Traps” in Philosophy

In an essay at Aeon, Huw Price (Cambridge) writes about “reputation traps.”

His example of this is scientific research on cold fusion, or low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR), “the controversial idea that nuclear reactions similar to those in the Sun could, under certain conditions, also occur close to room temperature.” Cold fusion held out the promise of clean an..


Comments Changeover This Weekend

As the new commenting system (described here) is put into place this weekend, piece by piece, the commenting on Daily Nous may be a bit buggy. This may mean some comments getting lost, some going right through on the new system without my moderation, and some being queued for moderation as on the old system. Please bear with us.

The ‘reply’ function and comment ‘..

When To Quit Academia (Ought Experiment)

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When To Quit Academia (Ought Experiment)

Welcome back to Ought Experiment! Today’s question is from a full professor that has done everything right, built a successful career, and yet finds her/himself miserable in professional philosophy. S/he wants to know whether it’s just a case of burnout or whether it’s time to go:

Dear Louie,


I have been a professor for almost 20 years. I’ve worked h..

The Value of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Research (guest post by Brian Robinson and Michael O’Rourke)

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The Value of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary Research (guest post by Brian Robinson and Michael O’Rourke)

Brian Robinson and Michael O’Rourke, both at Michigan State University, lead The Toolbox Project, an initiative which provides “philosophical yet practical enhancement to cross-disciplinary, collaborative science.” It is a fascinating and innovative use of philosophy to facilitate interdisciplinary research, and has been up and running for over a decade. I asked the..