How Will You Try To Improve Your Teaching?

Hello, fellow academics, it’s August 1st, the date that indicates the summer is, sadly, soon over. Amidst the scramble to meet deadlines and knock items off of that to-do list, it’s also time to make sure you’re prepared for your teaching. 

I thought it might be helpful if readers shared their plans for how they’ll be changing things up in their classrooms. Any new teaching techniques you’re trying out? Any interesting new material or topics? Any pedagogical problems you’re looking to overcome?

Here are a few previous teaching-related posts that might be useful as you go about finishing up that syllabi:

Posts about resources elsewhere:

I’m sure I missed a few so feel free to add helpful links, too.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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6 years ago

This issue title is fine, but sometimes the titles are opaque. Given that Nous reaches us in our email queue, it is easy to discard when the subject/title is not very informative. Take heed, please.

6 years ago

I’m going to try a new activity–a “McTuring Test”. Students need to think of questions they could ask Siri or Google Assistant to show that neither is a person. They’ll ask Siri the questions, record the answers, and try to make a case. Hopefully it goes well.

Carolyn Dicey Jennings
Carolyn Dicey Jennings
6 years ago

thanks for posting this, Justin! super helpful.

Sam Duncan
6 years ago

Thanks for the links. Some of these are already helpful. There is one thing I wish that someone would do that I don’t see in these links, and honestly haven’t seen anywhere, and that’s a compilation of annotated syllabi for common lower level philosophy classes besides Intro like Critical Thinking, Introduction to Ethics, and that applied ethics class every school has but calls something different. It would be really helpful to see what other people do in these sorts of classes and to see their explanations why.