Developments at the Royal Institute of Philosophy

The Royal Institute of Philosophy (RIP), a charitable organization based in London dedicated to the advancement of philosophy, has announced that it has several new officers.

The Institute’s new President is Onora O’Neill. O’Neill, a prolific philosopher, is a member of the House of Lords, served as Principal of Newnham College of the University of Cambridge and Chair of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, and was President of the British Academy. She is also a recent winner of both the Holberg Prize ($500,000) and the Berggruen Prize ($1,000,000). The previous president was Stewart Sutherland, who died in January of 2018.

The RIP’s new Academic Director is Julian Baggini, a freelance philosopher who co-founded and edits The Philosophers’ MagazineHis most recent book is How The World Thinks: A Global History of Philosophy

The journal of the RIP, Philosophy, which aims to “build bridges between specialist philosophers and a wider educated public,” also has new leadership. Its editors will be Maria Alvarez and Bill Brewer, both of whom are professors of philosophy at Kings College London. They replace Anthony O’Hear, who was also, for the past 25 years, the RIP’s Academic Director.

The Chair of the Council and Executive Committee of the RIP will continue to be John Haldane, professor of philosophy at the University of  St. Andrews and Baylor University.

You can learn more about the RIP here.

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5 years ago

Royal Institute of Philosophy (RIP)

At first glance, I thought you were announcing the demise of this organization! I’m glad that didn’t turn out to be right.

Reply to  Matt
5 years ago

yeah, the acronym is a bit unfortunate