Sanders Foundation Now Supporting Philosophy’s Diversity Reading List

The Diversity Reading List (DRL) (previously), which gathers and organizes philosophical texts written by authors from groups that have typically been underrepresented in philosophy and puts together reading group blueprints on various topics, has won the support of the Marc Sanders Foundation.

The funding from Sanders Foundation will allow the DRL to offer stipends to the project’s managers and editors, cover website development costs, ongoing costs like web hosting, the organizing of events, the pursuit of research projects, and the creation of more materials to share.

Additionally, the Sanders Foundation will manage a donations system for the DRL, inviting individuals and institutions to support the organization.

DRL managers Simon Fokt (TELdesign Limited) and Clotilde Torregrossa (St. Andrews) write: “This is a big change for the DRL, which has been entirely volunteer-run since 2015.”

You can check out the new donation page for the DRL here—and consider making a donation while you’re there. To learn about other ways to support the DRL, go here.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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