Philosophy Teaching & Learning Materials on Professors’ Websites

Individual philosophy instructors often post publicly available resources for students on their websites. Here’s a place to share them.

An earlier post collected links to various guides for students about how to write a philosophy paper, but there are a variety of other materials out there, including reading guides, tips on logic and argumentation, lessons on specific topics, subject summaries, instructional videos, thought experiments, and more. Such information could be useful to students and to other instructors, but it can be hard to find, so I thought it would be worthwhile to create a space to post links to these materials.

If you teach philosophy and have put learning materials on your individual website, please include a link to them and a brief description in the comments on this post. (And if you know of someone who has materials to share, please encourage them to do so.)

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Jason Swartwood
1 year ago

Classroom equity and inclusion policy with exercises to do on the first day to develop guidelines for discussing controversial issues:

A teaching paper and accompanying assigned reading for doing a skills-based lesson on morality and religion (in ethics courses):

Melissa Jacquart
1 year ago

I have a page on my site compiling lots of classic active learning classroom strategies/activities, and also links to other in-class activity resources:

Reply to  Melissa Jacquart
1 year ago

Fancy seeing you here too, Melissa 👋 🤓

Daniel Weltman
1 year ago

A “how to research” guide:

A glossary of terms in philosophy:

Advice about undergraduate journals:

Raphael Lysander
1 year ago

Arabic materials and resources for new comers and expert in philosophy:

Dan Korman
1 year ago

An open access Intro to Philosophy textbook:

Matthias H.
Matthias H.
Reply to  Dan Korman
1 year ago

Thanks! Your chapter on Free Will was the basis for a teaching sequence in my ethics class. It worked pretted well.

P.D. Magnus
1 year ago

I wrote an open access logic textbook, for all x, which has been adapted several times.

Less well known— an introductory bit on scientific inference, covering the difference between deduction and ampliative inference, the probem of induction, and some other topics. Also open access. notes on inference

1 year ago

My Professional Website Includes the following (with more to come):

Gig Philosophy (at-a-glance overviews of philosophical concepts)

Peter Smith
1 year ago

Corrected versions of my Introduction to Formal Logic and Introduction to Gödel’s Theorems, which were both originally published by CUP, are freely downloadable at

You’ll also find there two more books I put together during lockdown, partly as occupational therapy. There’s Gödel Without (Too Many) Tears (which is much shorter and a bit easier than IGT). And Beginning Mathematical Logic (which is not another textbook, but a 180pp Study Guide to the very large literature on core math logic topics and a bit more — which seems to be needed, as the PDF is downloaded 2K times a month.)

There’s also a fifth book, work-in-progress on category theory. There are also many other logic-related pages on the Logic Matters site, and resources like extensive worked answers to exercises for IFL.

Oh, and there is also a substantial section LaTeX (not just) for Logicians with links to a lot of resources.

Dave Dixon
1 year ago

As an undergrad and now grad student, I’ve found these resources helpful, at different times:


An Accessible Introduction to Serious Mathematical Logic, Tony Roy
Crash Course on Higher-Order Logic, Ted Sider
Open Logic Project:

Philosophy of Language:

I’ve found Jeff Speaks‘ handouts for issues in philosophy of language (from the material available under “Proseminar” and “Meaning“) helpful.

If I think of anything else, I’ll post replies to this comment.

Patrick S. O'Donnell
1 year ago

Although I am not a professional philosopher, I did teach in a Philosophy Dept. for over 15 years, providing a philosophical introduction to concepts and practices in major religious worldviews. I provided the students with what I termed study guides for Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Daoism, Confucianism, and Hinduism (I used some material from others for Buddhism, so I did not provide a study guide for that religious and philosophical worldview). I considered these introductory in nature and none of them did justice to the plurality and differences within the respective traditions. These are found on my Academia page under “teaching documents,” some with appended bibliographies (other bibliographies are distinct from the guides):

1 year ago

I’ve compiled a lot of resources on reading/writing philosophy, the job market, surviving graduate school, resources for dissertations, mental health resources, resources for teaching/making syllabi, etc. If anyone finds it useful, the link is here:

Trevor Hedberg
1 year ago

It hasn’t been updated in a while, but the bottom half of my teaching page has a cluster of resources for undergraduate students about academics in general, argumentative reasoning, and writing a philosophy paper:

J. David Velleman
1 year ago

BLOGIC is an interactive online textbook covering the standard syllabus in logic taught by most American philosophy departments. Topics include:

In addition to these standard topics, the textbook also includes:

Mich Ciurria
1 year ago

My (critical) existentialism & phenomenology syllabus:
My (critical) bioethics syllabus:
My TikTok lessons:

Peter Suber
1 year ago

I retired from teaching philosophy in 2003. But as I taught and re-taught my courses I put my syllabi and handouts online and made them open access. I hope they’re useful to others.

William J Rapaport
Reply to  Peter Suber
1 year ago

Peter: All your stuff is very useful, and some of it is discussed in my forthcoming book on the Philosophy of Computer Science (Wiley).

William J Rapaport
1 year ago

I have a How to Study Guide that many of my students (and children!) have found useful:
I also have a How to Write guide, and, for instructors, a How I Grade guide (which I share with my students):

Marc Champagne
1 year ago

A 12-week course in philosophy of technology that exclusively uses films as its course materials:

Ewan Kingston
Ewan Kingston
9 months ago

I recently released a rap to help students review 22 of the rules typically used in introduction to symbolic logic. Transcript and slides also available on my website