Univ. of Washington Creates Certificate of Mastery in Philosophy for Children

The Center for Philosophy for Children at the University of Washington is now offering a Certificate of Mastery in Philosophy for Children.

The Center, founded in 1996 by Jana Mohr Lone, runs a number of programs aimed at cultivating young kids’ interest in, and talent for, philosophical thinking.

The new Certificate of Mastery in Philosophy for Children is for graduate students “interested in developing the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully lead philosophy sessions in K-12 classrooms.” It involves a series of courses in philosophy and education, time in kindergarten-through-twelfth-grade classrooms, and participation in a workshop or similar event.

To my knowledge, this certificate is the first of its kind. You can learn more about it here. Jana Mohr Lone blogs at Wondering Aloud and is on Twitter at @JanaMohrLone.

Related: “Philosophically Interesting Books for Young Kids

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Claire Katz
5 years ago

This is fantastic! Good work, Jana!

noel pariñas
noel pariñas
5 years ago

do you offer scholarships?

Mohamamd Salim Miah
5 years ago

Philosophy is not widely taught in Bangladesh, a group of school teachers like us have been trying to introduce philosophy curriculum in the school level of Bangladesh.We have been lacking of philosophy teachers even we don’t have any philosophy curriculum for kids. .
This course will be a break through for us. Please let us know more if we have any option to send our teachers to avail this course.