Summer 2022 Programs in Philosophy for Undergraduates

Please use the comments section on this post to share information about 2022 Summer Programs in Philosophy for college undergraduates.

If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes:
– program name
– dates
– location (is it currently planned as an online event, physical event, physical event with some online participation, physical event with an online contingency plan?)
– contact information
– application deadline
– a description of the program
– link to further information

Here’s an example:

Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy: Parts and Wholes
Dates: June 5 – June 24, 2022
Location: Boulder, Colorado (or on Zoom, if unable to hold event in person in Boulder)
Contact: David Boonin [email protected]
Deadline: March 1 (review of applications begins)
Description: The Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy is intended for outstanding advanced undergraduates who are considering graduate school in philosophy. The aim is to introduce students to the atmosphere of a graduate-level seminar, giving them a chance to explore their philosophical abilities and interests before they commit to a graduate program. The topic for the 2022 Summer Seminar is “Parts and Wholes.” Each class session will focus on a subject related to this topic, understood broadly to include issues involving individuals and groups. Depending on your point of view, the seminar will either be team taught by at least ten individual faculty members or taught from start to finish by a single entity composed of at least ten faculty members. Either way, it will cover a variety of historical and contemporary issues. Subjects likely to be covered include:

  • Plato on Justice in the Individual and the City
  • Marx on Individual and Class Interests
  • The Metaphysics of Parts and Wholes
  • The Moral Mathematics of Parts and Wholes
  • The Aesthetics of Parts and Wholes
  • Quantum Mechanics and Entanglement
  • The Ethics of Racial Profiling
  • The Sorites Paradox
  • Intergenerational Ethics
  • The Existence and Nature of Sets
  • Group Minds
  • Social Epistemology
  • Parts, Wholes, and Well-Being

Class sessions will be supplemented by a variety of extracurricular events, including talks on additional subjects and workshops on such topics as women in philosophy and how to apply to graduate school.
Further information:

Summer 2022 Philosophy Programs for Graduate Students and/or PhDs
Summer 2022 Philosophy Programs for High School Students

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Cheryl Miller
Cheryl Miller
2 years ago

Hertog Political Studies Program

Dates: June 19-July 30, 2022

Location: Washington, DC

Contact: Ann Artz: [email protected]

Deadline: March 1, 2022

Description: The Hertog Foundation offers ambitious educational programs for excellent students. In our flagship Political Studies Program, fellows spend six week in our nation’s capital exploring the theory and practice of politics and meeting prominent men and women in public life. Next summer’s Political Studies fellows will study, among other topics, the ethical dilemmas implied by the pursuit of power, the Shakespearean understanding of political order, and the multiple, competing foreign policy crises America faces today—all in intensive seminars led by distinguished faculty. All fellows will receive residential accommodations and a $2,500 stipend to offset travel and living expenses.

Seminars will be supplemented by events around Washington, DC, familiarizing fellows with the pulse of the nation’s capital.

For more information, visit

Saba Bazargan-Forward
Saba Bazargan-Forward
2 years ago

Summer Program for the Advancement of Women in Philosophy (SPAWP)

Dates: July 11 to July 21, 2022

Location: SPAWP, though based at UC San Diego, will be held online in 2022.

Contact Information: [email protected]

Deadline: Applications will be made available January 1st. The deadline is February 15th.

Description: The Summer Program for the Advancement of Women in Philosophy (SPAWP) aims to address the significant gender imbalance in our discipline by means of an annual summer enrichment program for undergraduate philosophy majors interested in graduate study in philosophy. SPAWP is a 10-day program for 14 participants consisting of two recurring seminars as well as workshops on the profession, on graduate school, and on the application process. The program introduces the participants to like-minded peers and to a network of supportive faculty and graduate students whom they may not have access to at their undergraduate institutions. Undergraduates from diverse backgrounds are especially encouraged to apply (including, but not limited to, LGBTQIA+, underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, and first-generation undergraduates). We also look for undergraduate students who have overcome various kinds of adversity, including socioeconomic obstacles, bias, and limited philosophical resources at their home institution.

Link to Further Information:

Edouard Machery
2 years ago

2022 PSP6: A Summer Program in Philosophy of Science for Underrepresented Groups

Dates: July 11 to July 15, 2022 (arrival July 10)
Location: Center for Philosophy of Science, University of Pittsburgh (in person)
Contact: Katie Labuda [email protected]
Deadline: March 15, 2022
Description: The Summer Program will feature two daily graduate seminars about core issues and cutting-edge topics in general philosophy of science and philosophy of the special sciences (e.g., physics, biology, cognitive science and neuroscience, social sciences). The seminars and lectures will be given by internationally recognized faculty in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh as well as in the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University. Housing, meals, and transportation (US travel only—the University will not provide transportation costs for travel into or outside of the US) costs will be covered, and all course materials provided. We invite applications from undergraduate students who are highly motivated and show strong academic promise and interest in the philosophy of science, including but not limited to: women, LGBTQIA+, underrepresented racial/ethnic backgrounds, students with disabilities, first-generation undergraduates, and undergraduates from groups underrepresented in philosophy of science.

Application and further information can be found here:

Rob Wilson
2 years ago

Although no doubt not quite what you had in mind, it might be worth mentioning that I am working with 5 summer undergraduate research assistants at the University of Western Australia in January and February 2022 (which, following 4 days over 100 degrees F, really is in the summer). The funding comes from my Australian Research Council grant, “Keeping Kinship in Mind”, and all five (women) have backgrounds in both philosophy and the social sciences. The main aims of the RAships (they would be called “internships” if this didn’t pose insuperable administrative headaches for overworked staff here) are to provide undergraduate students with an immersive research experience, chiefly focused on their own self-articulated project that feeds into the larger kinship project. They will work together with PhD students here, as well as participate in a reading group re-visiting Ian Hacking’s “Rewriting the Soul” (on multiple personality disorder), and link up with David Ludwig’s GEOS project, based in The Netherlands, since David is a partner investigator on the grant. We will meet weekly as a group, and pairwise as is needed to move the projects along. If it leads some RAs to take more seriously the option of further study than they might have, the summer program will be a success, whether or not they end up in philosophy. I will be running this program again in summer 2023 and 2024, remembering that this means January and February. Students are paid $2000 each for the RAships.

Mercedes Corredor
Mercedes Corredor
2 years ago

Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP) 

Dates: June 26-July 9 

Location: Hamilton College, Clinton, NY (physical event) 

Contact: Russell Marcus & Mercedes Corredor at [email protected]

Deadline: March 15, 2022

Description: The Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP) is designed for twenty excellent undergraduate students looking for a creative, exciting, collegial, and engaging two-week experience studying philosophy with other ambitious students. Three concurrent courses, chosen for their innovative pedagogies, will be offered: 

  • Philosophy and Comedy, Prof. Ashley Pryor (University of Toledo)
  • Philosophers Reimagine the World: A Conceptual Toolbox for 21st Century Possibilists, Prof. Anthony Weston (Elon Univesity)
  • Disagreement in the Digital Age: Philosophical Reflection About/With New Technology, Prof. Michael Barnes (Western University)

Participants are given a $750 stipend and a travel reimbursement.

Further information:

Kevin Dorst
2 years ago

Open Doors Philosophy Academy

Dates: July 17–23, 2022

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Contact: Jennifer Whiting ([email protected])

Deadline: March 15, 2022

Description: The Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications for Open Doors Philosophy Academy, a week-long program designed to give individuals from groups traditionally underrepresented in academic philosophy a taste of graduate student life as well as various forms of support useful in applying to and flourishing in Ph.D. programs in Philosophy. The program will include seminars taught by Pitt faculty and Pitt PhDs now teaching elsewhere; the forms of support will include graduate student an faculty mentors, as well as workshops designed to help students decide whether, where, and how to apply to Ph.D. programs.

We welcome applications from individuals including (but not limited to) first generation undergraduates and those starting in community colleges; persons of diverse racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds; individuals with disabilities; women, non-binary and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Though we are primarily interested in students who are majoring or have majored in Philosophy and who have not yet been admitted to a Ph.D. program, we will consider non-majors who have significant experience in philosophy. Each application will be considered on a holistic and case-by-case basis.

Those admitted will receive reimbursement for travel (up to $500), room and board for the week, and a $600 stipend.

More info:

Aashna Lal
2 years ago

Hastings Center Summer Bioethics Program for Underrepresented Undergraduate Students

Dates: June 6 – June 10, 2022, 11 am – 4 pm ET

Location: Zoom

Contact: [email protected]

Deadline: March 14, 2022

Description: The Hastings Center Summer Bioethics Program for Underrepresented Undergraduate Students is a 5-day (11 am to 4 pm ET), virtual program taking place on June 6-10 for students from groups that are underrepresented in bioethics, including, but not limited to, communities of color, Indigenous communities, residents of rural areas, and students with disabilities. Accepted students will receive a stipend of $750 and will have the opportunity to engage with distinguished scholars from around the country and to learn about theoretical and applied issues in bioethics. Students will develop skill in explaining and justifying their views on topics in bioethics, as well as learn how to listen with respect to divergent views. Sessions will include lectures, group discussions, and small group exercises.

More information and a link to the application can be found at

Michael Vazquez
2 years ago

Program: Philosophy in Greece (Athens-Samos 2022)

Dates: June 17th, 2022 – July 1st, 2022

Contact: [email protected]

Application Deadline: Rolling

Course Description: The Pythagoreans’ demonstration of the incommensurability of the diagonal of a square with its side marks a watershed moment in intellectual history. For the first time, human reason was elevated into a position of having access to knowledge that could not possibly be derived from sense experience. From this moment, the celebration of the power of reason became a primary force impelling the development of philosophy and the sciences. This course will trace these developments through the history of philosophy, mathematics and the sciences in the ancient world, and the subsequent impact of these ideas via a direct line between thinkers such as Zeno, Eudoxus, Plato, Aristotle, and Archimedes, through to Cantor, Dedekind, Borel, Hilbert, and Gödel.

Brian Reese (University of Central Florida)
Michael Vazquez (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Scott Weinstein (University of Pennsylvania)

Information Packet:

Course Website:

Yong Xin Hui
2 years ago

Wonder Philosophy May 22
Dates: May 21-22, May 28-29 2022
Location: Online
Apply here!
Deadline: May 13, 2022
Description: The workshop aims to provide information and guidance related to philosophy graduate school applications to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who may have difficulty acquiring this information otherwise. The goal is to state norms and expectations associated with graduate school applications, which are assumed to be obvious but are never actually discussed, explicitly to students whose lack of information or “connection” may otherwise put them at a disadvantage when applying to graduate school. In particular, we aim to address the following themes: deciding where to apply, putting together an application package, assessing programs and potential advisors during campus visits, and the job prospects of philosophy PhDs.
For more information, visit

Last edited 2 years ago by Yong Xin Hui
Brian Weatherson
2 years ago

COMPASS at MichiganA workshop for students considering graduate school in philosophy
Dates: October 20-23, 2022
Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Deadline: June 1, 2022
More details:

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Michigan is thrilled to announce COMPASS at Michigan 2022. This workshop will bring together students from a diversity of backgrounds for two weekends of philosophical discussion, networking and mentoring. Advanced undergraduates and M.A. students (first and second year) who are planning to apply to graduate institutions in North America are eligible to apply. We encourage students from all over the world to submit an application.
Applicants should meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Be part of a group/demographic underrepresented in academic philosophy;
  • Have demonstrated a sustained commitment to diversity in philosophy

The workshop will take place from October 20–23, 2022. Workshop participants will be expected to read in advance 3 papers from a range of subfields (depending in part on the interests of accepted participants). In addition to sessions discussing the papers, there will be one session featuring faculty members giving advice on graduate school and one session featuring a graduate student panel on graduate school applications and graduate student life. There will also be opportunities to attend graduate student research presentations and meet with graduate student mentors. 
Applicants will be notified in early July 2022.

Application link: