Support Philosophical Outreach to Those Who Lack Access to Universities

Over the summer, Sophia Stone (Lynn University), creator of Wisdom’s Edge Foundation, asked for help collecting short philosophical sayings–the “golden nuggets” of philosophy.

At the time, I didn’t explain why she was doing this. In the following message from Professor Stone, she does, and makes a request. I encourage you to help her out.

Dear Philosophers,

Thank you for sharing the best philosophy quotes for Wisdom’s Edge. After collecting 556 philosophy quotes, we narrowed them down to twenty so that singer-songwriter and Alexander Star could write our anthem for Wisdom’s Edge: “I Think Therefore I Am”. I share it with you below. You may be wondering, why? 

We believe in the transformational power in studying philosophy, as philosophy can change the way one thinks about the world and one’s life. We are not only passionate about teaching philosophy, we want those who never got a chance to study philosophy in a formal way to have that opportunity. Therefore, our mission is to seek out those communities at the edges of society who don’t currently have access to the university and to bring philosophy to them. 

We incorporated on August 15, 2019. We received our 501c3 status in January 2020. So far we have given 17 philosophy classes to children and women in transition. This is just the beginning, but we need your support.

Currently we are raising money to help cover the costs of hiring philosophers, training them to teach their craft to a wider audience, and to offer more courses for our students in transition. We’d like to expand our services to children’s centers, retirement homes, Veterans’ halls, and prison centers. We need the support of private individuals and corporate sponsors until we qualify for institutional funding. 

Right now, Wisdom’s Edge provides wrap-around support for The Lord’s Place, a non-profit organization that seeks to stop the cycle of homelessness in South Florida. Particularly, we are focused on serving their two transitional houses for women. These women are transitioning from prisons, drug and alcohol abuse, domestic abuse, and homelessness. In every session, we see the women apply the principles they have learned from philosophy to their own lived experience of recovery. At the end of a session on Aristotle’s virtue ethics, one of the women said, “I wish they taught us this in high school.” 

As you can see, we are working to change people’s lives for the better.  

If you have not already met your $300 tax donation credit, or if you have but you’d like to help fund projects to expand our services, please consider making an end of the year donation to Wisdom’s Edge Foundation, Inc. Here is the link.

All donations are tax deductible according to U.S. Tax Code 26 §170. You will receive our EIN for any donation over $300.  

If you’d like more information about Wisdom’s Edge and our services, please visit our website.


Sophia Stone
President, Wisdom’s Edge Foundation, Inc.
Assistant Professor, Lynn University

Here’s the song:

The song is also available here. You can donate to Wisdom’s Edge here.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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3 years ago

if folks really want to be involved with spreading knowledge beyond the paywalls of the academy they (especially tenured faculty) can make all their materials OA…