Support Daily Nous

“Thank you for the work you put into the Daily Nous—it’s an incredible service to our profession.”

That’s one of many kind comments I’ve received over the years from Daily Nous readers. I hope you won’t mind me sharing a few more:

“THANK YOU for Daily Nous. I’ve been meaning to drop you a line for some time… I just wanted to let you know I am grateful to you for generating this unique hub for all things philosophy. It’s a terrific site, and one whose content I share regularly.”

“While I may not always agree with your editorial decisions, I do think you are doing the profession a real service overall and one that I imagine is pretty thankless at times.”

“Your site is highly valued within the philosophical community; Thanks for all your work on Daily Nous. Our department really appreciates what you do.”

There are more, but I’ll spare you, save for this one, which I received just this morning, from someone who studied philosophy as an undergraduate and who now works in tech: “your work helps keep me connected and updated to a passion I felt was going to be difficult to fit into my life. Your work is incredibly valuable to me.”

That last comment was from someone who supports Daily Nous via Patreon.

As I mentioned in a previous post, keeping Daily Nous running takes a lot of time and effort—finding and creating content, maintaining the site as a “public square” for the philosophical community, handling the business and communications, and so on. I’m hoping to be able to bring on additional staff to make sure the site is sustainable over the long haul, and I recently set up a Patreon page for Daily Nous which makes it easy for readers to help make that happen and otherwise support the site.

Please take a look and consider helping out. Thank you very much.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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