Analysis (the Philosophy Journal) to Broaden Scope

The new editorial team at Analysis (reported here) has changed its editorial policy. The journal, previously limited to short pieces of analytic philosophy, will now aim “to publish excellent short papers on any area of philosophy, including the history of philosophy.” (Recall the similar previous announcement from Mind.)

Here is a statement from the editors, Chris Daly and David Liggins:

We are delighted and honoured to have been appointed Editors of Analysis. We aim to reinforce the journal’s reputation as the venue of choice for excellent short papers in philosophy. In a change to traditional Analysis policy, we will be happy to publish excellent short papers on any area of philosophy, including the history of philosophy. Our goal is simply to publish the best papers.

Under our editorship, a large majority of submissions will be sent to referees. To help the journal run smoothly, we will be using the ScholarOne platform. This will be open for submissions from 1 September 2016, the day we officially take over as Editors, via:

Analysis will maintain its current policy of triple anonymity:  the Editors and Associate Editors receive anonymized submissions, as do referees, and authors are not informed of the identity of referees. Word limits are unchanged: the absolute maximum is 4000 words. Shorter papers will be preferred to longer papers, other things being equal.  Because of the intense pressure on space, we have a policy of not publishing responses to papers that have appeared in other journals.

Our approach to Analysis owes much to our experience as Associate Editors of the Australasian Journal of Philosophy. We would like to thank Stephen Hetherington, the current editor of the AJP, and Stewart Candlish, his predecessor, for all we have learned from them. We are grateful to the Analysis Committee, for appointing us; to Michael Clark, our predecessor, for his time as Editor; to Isabel Gois, the Editorial Assistant of Analysis, and all at Oxford University Press, for all their help; and to the following for agreeing to collaborate with us as Associate Editors: Sara J. Bernstein (University of Notre Dame), Stephanie Collins (University of Manchester), Jason Decker (Carleton College), and Debbie Roberts (University of Edinburgh).


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7 years ago

In the digital age, what are the “intense pressure[s] on space”?

(Aside from this, excellent news!)

Steven French
Steven French
7 years ago

Replying to ES: OUP maintains ‘page budgets’ for those of its journals that still have a print version. Dire consequences await those editors who exceed their designated budget (hellfire, damnation and worse of all, a stiff talking to from their OUP manager …)