Analysis Announces New Editors

Via Ben Colburn (Glasgow):

The Analysis Committee is delighted to announce the new editors of Analysis:

Joint editors: Chris Daly and David Liggins (University of Manchester).

Associate editors:
Sara J. Bernstein (Duke University)
Stephanie Collins (University of Manchester)
Jason Decker (Carleton College)
Debbie Roberts (University of Edinburgh)

Professor Daly and Dr Liggins will take over from the retiring editor, Professor Michael Clark, later this summer. They will soon be making a public announcement concerning their editorial policy and details of future arrangements for submissions.

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Diogenes of Sinope
8 years ago

Nice lineup, in line with today’s trends. Now let’s hope they introduce a decent anonymous review process.

James Andow
James Andow
Reply to  Diogenes of Sinope
8 years ago

Worth noting that since 2011, the process has included
“We practise triple anonymity: the Editor receives the submissions in anonymous form, as do referees, and authors are not informed of the identity of referees.”

Daniel Groll
8 years ago

Apparently this Jason Decker character has been known to deny the validity of modus ponens, so make sure that the papers you submit don’t use it.

Tom J.
Tom J.
8 years ago

I’m glad to see that Chris Daly will be one of the editors. He is sharp, and firm but fair – just what the journal needs.

Adrian Joseph Jr.
Adrian Joseph Jr.
8 years ago

Hope that the refereeing process gets sorted out as it has been blatantly discriminatory in favour of established and world-leading philosophers. Emerging philosophers don’t even get a look in!

John Turri
Reply to  Adrian Joseph Jr.
8 years ago

For what it’s worth, I felt like I got some fair shots at Analysis in my first few years out of graduate school. I’ve submitted many papers over the past decade to many philosophy journals, and I’ve never gotten the impression that Analysis was particularly discriminatory in this regard.

Modus Tollens
Modus Tollens
8 years ago

Adrian Joseph Jr. Here, here!