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Philosophy Tag

In our last round, Charlie Kurth (Washington University in St. Louis) was tagged by Gillian Russell (Washington University in St. Louis), a tag that was geographically close but one that boldly shifted the game from the epistemology of logic to moral psychology. Now it’s time for Kurth to make his move:

Practical reflection is having a hard time of it. Wherea..


Philosophers Propose Boycott

Related to the earlier post of links to philosophers writing about the current conflict in Gaza and associated issues, some philosophers and political theorists are supporting “a principled refusal to associate with Israeli academic institutions that have not explicitly condemned the occupation.” They lay out their reasons here. (via Katharine Jenkins)

(Note: for ..


In the Overlap between Logic, Fun, and Information

John Venn, an English philosopher who spent much of his career at Cambridge, died in 1923, but if he were alive today he would totally be dead, as it is his 180th birthday. Venn was named after the Venn diagram, owing to the fact that as a child he was terrible at math but good at drawing circles, and so was not held back in 5th grade. In celebration of this philoso..


Philosopher’s Index vs. PhilPapers

Wayne Bivens-Tatum, the philosophy and religion librarian at Princeton University, has published a comparison of Philosopher’s Index and PhilPapers at his blog, Academic Librarian. As he notes, “choosing between the two of them might be a budgetary necessity for librarians who wanted to subscribe to PhilPapers under the new terms.”