Philosophers on the Israeli – Palestinian Conflict

Jason Stanley (Yale) has a piece in today’s Frankfurter Allgemeine, a German newspaper. It is entitled “An Open Letter to the Protestors on the streets of Berlin chanting ‘Jude, Jude, feiges Schwein, komm heraus und kämpf allein’ [Jew, Jew, cowardly pigs, come out and fight]”” which looks at the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and reactions to it, as well as the ideas of democracy and pluralism, through the lens of Stanley’s family ties to Germany. The piece is in German; a version in English is expected to be published elsewhere soon. UPDATE: it has now been published in English in the Boston Review.

Stanley’s is the latest in a series of articles by philosophers on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, some of which have already been mentioned here at Daily Nous. They include:

Additionally, the NPR show “On Point” will be hosting a discussion this afternoon at 3pm EST about moral issues in the recent conflict in Gaza with Walzer, Lionel McPherson (Tufts), and Michael Newton (Vanderbilt). (via Dirk Felleman)

Please add links to other recent related writings by philosophers, political theorists, etc., in the comments.

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9 years ago

Samir Chopra (Brooklyn College / CUNY), “Protesting for Gaza: A Day in Gaol,” at his blog.

9 years ago

Assaf Sharon (Tel Aviv University), “The Moral Siege: The Militarization of Jewish Supremacism in Israel,” at Boston Review.

9 years ago

Daniel Levine (Maryland), “Are Attacks on U.N. Refugee Facilities in Gaza the United Nations’ Fault?“, Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland (CISSM) Policy Brief.

9 years ago

Bonnie Honig (Brown), “Diasporic Politics Boomerang,” at The Contemporary Condition blog.

9 years ago

Noam Chomsky (MIT), “Nightmare in Gaza,” at Truthout. (via Michaela McSweeney)

Joel Pust
9 years ago

Jeff McMahan (Oxford/Rutgers), “Gaza: Is Israel Fighting a Just War?”

9 years ago

Curtis Franks (Notre Dame) “An open letter on Israel and Gaza” at Leiter Reports.

9 years ago

Seth Lazar (ANU), “On Human Shields,” in the Boston Review.

John Protevi
9 years ago

Eric Schliesser, “On Being Silent on Gaza” at Digressions & Impressions

John Protevi
9 years ago

Noah Efron, “Israel’s moral bad luck in Gaza,” in The Times of Israel.

Michael Ezra
9 years ago

I have commented myself on the ethics of human shields in war. While not specifically referring to Israel or Hamas, it is clearly what I had in mind. Combatants and human shields: some inchoate thoughts on the ethics of war.

Augusto Di Benedetto
9 years ago

Sam Harris, “Why Don’t I Criticize Israel?”:

Jonathan Berg
Jonathan Berg
9 years ago

He’s not exactly a philosopher, but Amos Oz makes an important distinction here that is often inadequately appreciated: The article is from 2002 but still relevant. Oz discusses the current violence in Gaza here:

9 years ago

Political scientist Jerome Slater’s criticism of the Michael Walzer piece:

9 years ago

Daniel Weinstock (McGill), “On Israel, Gaza, and Double Standards” at In Due Course.