Summer Programs for Philosophy Undergraduates

Summer Programs for Philosophy Undergraduates

Here’s some information about two summer programs for undergraduates thinking about continuing their studies in philosophy. First, there’s the 2015 Summer Program for Women in Philosophy:

The Philosophy Department at the University of California, San Diego is pleased to announce a call for applications for the 2015 Summer Program for Women in Philosophy, which will be held at UCSD from July 26 to August 8, 2015. The two-week program will feature two intensive courses and a variety of workshops, all geared towards providing an engaging philosophical learning experience and preparation for applying to graduate school in philosophy. Participants will be provided with housing and meals, will have transportation costs covered, will have all course and workshop materials provided, and will receive a $600 stipend. Applications are due March 1, and participants will be notified by April 15. This year’s instructors are Anne Eaton (University of Illinois, Chicago) and Julie Walsh (Université du Québec à Montréal). Anyone who’s interested can visit our website or our Facebook page(via Amy Berg)

There’s also the Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute:

This institute is designed to encourage undergraduate students from under-represented groups to consider future study in the field of philosophy. PIKSI will emphasize the on-going project of greater inclusiveness that is transforming the discipline, inviting students to be participants in the conversation. The institute will take place from  June 13 – June 22, 2015 at two locations: PIKSI-Rock at Penn State, and PIKSI-Boston at MIT and UMass Boston. For more details see the PIKSI website.

If you know of other philosophy-focused summer programs for undegraduates, please post about them in the comments.

UPDATE: Thanks to commenter “on and on and on and on anon” for reminding me of the Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy, held from July 20th-August 6th. Featuring special sessions taught by Shelly Kagan (Yale), Doug MacLean (UNC Chapel Hill), Rivka Weinberg (Scripps College), and Susan Wolf (UNC Chapel Hill), the seminar is intended for outstanding undergraduates who are considering graduate school in philosophy. The aim is to introduce students to the atmosphere of a graduate-level seminar, giving participants a chance to explore and sharpen their philosophical abilities before they commit to a graduate program. More details here.

Another: the 17th Annual Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy, held at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, from July 26 – August 2, 2015. This seven day program is designed to introduce undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds to the various areas of specialization within the discipline of philosophy, give students a better idea of what graduate studies in philosophy is about, and explore various views about what it means to be a professional philosopher. Up to fifteen students will be given the opportunity to interact in formal and informal settings with a group of talented graduate students and distinguished faculty members from a number of universities. Details here. (via Julie Van Camp)

UPDATE 2 (2/11/2015): From Nina Emery comes word of the Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown University. “The Brown Philosophy Department is pleased to announce a call for applications for the Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown University. SIPP@Brown is a two-week residential program for members of traditionally underrepresented groups in philosophy, including women and students of color. This year’s program will run from May 31, 2015 to June 13, 2015 and will feature seminars taught by Brown faculty and the SIPP@Brown research conference. Students will have travel and lodging expenses covered and will receive a $500 stipend.”

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on and on and on and on anon
on and on and on and on anon
9 years ago

There’s the Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy:

Conor Mayo-Wilson
9 years ago

Here are two schools for students interested in epistemology, philosophy of science, and logic.

Munich’s summer school in mathematical philosophy for women:

Carnegie Mellon’s summer school in logic and formal epistemology:

9 years ago

here’s a pretty useful site for all kinds of summer schools (also philosophy) in Europe:

on and on and on and on anon
on and on and on and on anon
9 years ago

via Julie Van Camp on FB, the Rutgers Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy:

9 years ago

Don’t forget the Scandinavian Logic Society Summer School in Logic July 27-31 in Helsinki. We have a wonderful lineup of lecturers, and the Logic Colloquium 2015 AND the Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science conferences both take place in Helsinki the very next week.

8 years ago

I have just seen this post.

I link to several summer schools in philosophy for undergraduates on my website:


Gabriel Rockhill
6 years ago

The Critical Theory Workshop in Paris is open to undergraduates and has a very diverse curriculum: