Unblock Thyself

Jon Cogburn (LSU) has run a little experiment. For months he and others have been unable to comment at Daily Nous. Long thought to be the result of my tyrannical and heavy-handed moderation, this problem has now been traced by Cogburn to Askimet, a spam-filtering service used by many blogs, including DN. Apparently, in some cases, having one of your comments marked as spam at one site that uses Askimet can result in your comments being automatically withheld at other sites that use Askimet. If this happens, your comments will just not show up at all—not even in the spam folder. What to do? Cogburn figured it out (his comments now show up) and he tells you, right here (updated link). Thanks, Jon!

Guess I’ll just have to start blocking his comments manually.

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Bob Kirkman
9 years ago

[comment redacted]

Matt Drabek
Matt Drabek
9 years ago

You mean DN isn’t part of the Liberal Postmodern New Consensus Masonic Feminist Anti-Conservative Defamation-per-se-Committing Priggish Cabal after all?

Kathryn Pogin
Kathryn Pogin
9 years ago

Matt, I tried recruiting Justin to the movement, but it didn’t work out.

9 years ago

Interesting, I’d never heard of askimet. What’s strange is the website doesn’t explain how it filters. If my responses in the SSM thread that vanished into the ether were caught by it, I wonder if it’s because of the anonymizing proxy I use to safeguard my identity from litigious philosophers.