Philosophy News Summary

Recent philosophy-related news…*

1. Cornel West (Union Theological Seminary) is running for President of the United States for the People’s Party. Do check out the very Cornel West video announcement here. “Do we have what it takes? We shall see. But some of us are going to go down fighting, go down swinging, with style and a smile.”

2. Ian Jarvie, professor emeritus of philosophy at York University, has died (1937-2023). He was known for his work in the philosophy of the social sciences (he was the managing editor of Philosophy of the Social Sciences since its founding) and the philosophy of film. You can learn more about his writings here.

3. Elizabeth Anderson (Michigan) is one of the two winners of the 2023 Sage and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University (Sage-CASBS) award. The other winner is Alondra Nelson (Princeton). The award “recognizes outstanding achievement in the behavioral and social sciences that advances our understanding of pressing social issues” and the prize announcement calls Anderson “one of the deepest and most interdisciplinary thinkers in the academy.”

4. The Department of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame (ND) has hired four new faculty members: Alix Cohen (Edinburgh), who works on various aspects of Kant’s philosophy, will be Professor of Philosophy at ND this summer; Edward Elliott (Leeds), who works in philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, and metaethics, will be Associate Professor of Philosophy at ND as of Fall 2024. Jessica Isserow (Leeds), whose research is in metaethics, normative ethics, and moral psychology, will be Associate Professor of Philosophy at ND as of Fall 2024. Zach Barnett (NUS), who works in ethics, practical rationality, and epistemology, will be Assistant Professor of Philosophy this summer.

5. Some summer programs in philosophy are still accepting applications. Check out the programs for high school students, for undergraduates, and for graduate students and/or PhDs.

Discussion welcome.

* Over the summer, many news items will be consolidated in posts like this.

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Daniel Propson
Daniel Propson
1 year ago

Speaking of programs for high schoolers…

If you know high school students interested in philosophy, please let them know about Oakland University’s Philosophy Camp. We spend four days exploring philosophical topics and having fun together. Our theme is “Turtles All the Way Down”, exploring the foundations of our understanding of the world. **Overnight accommodations on our beautiful campus available.**

This year, John Corvino from Wayne State will be joining us to discuss “How to Be a Raging Moderate”. We’re honored to have John along with us!

More info: Or just email me with questions. 🙂