Yale Seeks Information About Sexual Misconduct

Jason Stanley (Yale) writes:

I just met with Professor Stephanie Spangler, Yale’s Deputy Provost for Health Affairs and Academic Integrity and also the University’s Title IX Coordinator. She is responsible for oversight of the University’s policies and programs to address and prevent gender-based discrimination and sexual misconduct (which are summarized at http://smr.yale.edu). I met with her about recent social media reports containing allegations that appear to implicate a Yale professor, Thomas Pogge. Anyone with information that may be relevant to violation of university policy, i.e. that involves his professional behavior towards other philosophers in his status as a Yale Professor, even students in his areas at other universities, is encouraged to contact Deputy Provost Spangler at her personal email, [email protected]. All comments will be kept in absolute strictest confidence.


UPDATE: As Kate Norlock notes in the comments, and as Feminist Philosophers suggests, one should probably consult a lawyer of one’s own before speaking to Dr. Spangler or others who may be involved in the relevant legal action.

UPDATE 2: Heidi Howkins Lockwood adds: “Complainants should not to try to speak with Yale alone. I met with Stephanie Spangler last week — and of course brought an advocate with me, even though I’m not a victim, because I wanted a witness to everything I said. To say the situation is volatile is an understatement. Provost Spangler has the names of complainants who are willing to come forward — but only if Yale agrees to provide anonymity and indemnity, which so far they have not offered. The complainants are communicating with each other and sharing advice. I’d encourage any potential complainant to get in touch with either myself or Kate Norlock so that we can put them in touch with either the network, or the attorneys (who are already working on the case and can simply replicate the existing agreement).”

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John Collins
John Collins
10 years ago

Fairly obvious question, but I feel I should ask: How might providing information at this late stage to Yale’s Deputy Provost impact the law suit (law suits?) already brought against Yale? Might it be better for someone with relevant information to contact the lawyers of the woman (women?) bringing the Title IX suit(s) against the University?

10 years ago

John Collins, great question! Yale may be earnestly soliciting information in order to comply with Title IX, that’s their obligation, but those with information may wish to comply with other obligations. There are many.
Heidi Lockwood was just reminding me that students reading this post might wish to bear in mind that they should speak with an attorney first, if they are considering talking to Yale’s Title IX Coordinator.

Heidi Howkins Lockwood
Heidi Howkins Lockwood
10 years ago

Yes, thanks for acknowledging the gorilla in the digital room, John. The complainants who are willing to come forward have agreed to talk to Yale — but only if Yale agrees to provide them with indemnity and anonymity. (This has been offered in other similar cases in the past year.) Potential complainants who would like anonymity/indemnity (which, quite frankly, is something one *should* want) can contact the protectinglisbeth email address — or myself, if they’d prefer to speak on the phone.