A Name to Accompany the Accusations

The accusations of sexual misconduct against an as-of-yet-officially unnamed prominent moral and political philosopher (previously here and here) are no longer being made anonymously. They are now being advanced by a friend of one of the alleged victims, a Yale 2010 graduate named Emma Sloan. Ms. Sloan is soliciting funds for the legal case of her friend at this site, where she makes the following accusations:
– the professor in question “attempted to rape” her friend.
– her friend “sought redress through seven of [Yale] university’s official grievance channels, direct contact with a dozen different administrators and officials, and personal appeals to other professors she trusted. She was stonewalled at every turn, and finally forced into signing a confidentiality contract.”
– her friend’s accusations “weren’t the first allegations of this nature against the professor. ”
– her friend now “struggles with chronic symptoms of posttraumatic stress.”
– her friend “is one of 12 known victims of this professor…. Leads on potential others continue to pour in. Some of these women have written affidavits.”
– “Even when hiring him, the provost of [Yale] university and the philosophy department knew that he had perpetrated at least one rape.”

(Once again, please note that this post does not constitute an endorsement of the veracity of any of the accusations. Nor does it constitute a recommendation to contribute money to fund anyone’s legal activities. I have no independent information regarding any of these events. I do not plan to publish comments on this post.)

UPDATE (5/12/14): The fund has met its $7000 goal.

UPDATE 2 (5/12/14): There is a Facebook page associated with the parties behind the fundraising campaign.

UPDATE 3 (5/13/14): The Chronicle of Higher Education reports on the fundraising campaign.

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