Videos of Philosophy Courses – An Editable Spreadsheet

In order to aid philosophy professors during the pandemic as they transition from in-person to online teaching, Liz Jackson (ANU) and Tyron Goldschmidt (Rochester) created a spreadsheet of videorecorded philosophy classes and lectures.

It’s a Google Docs spreadsheet to which anyone can add their own videos or ones that they know about. At the time of this post there are over 200 videos listed:

(If the above window doesn’t load, you can access the spreadsheet directly here.)

(via Liza Jackson)

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Greg Gauthier
4 years ago

A few good names missing from the list:
* Daniel Bonevac (Youtube only).
* Gregory Sadler (Youtube Only).
* KaneB (Youtube Only).
* The Partially Examined Life (Podcast, not Youtube)

4 years ago

Jason Stanley
(Thread) We academics take our classes on line tomorrow, many to be recorded. Turning Points USA, which announced itself with a Professor Watch List, is going to be on the hunt. Both for our community, and as an individual who has been hit by this before, I’ve got some advice.

Ammar Merhbi
Ammar Merhbi
4 years ago

Hi , I have used the spreadsheet in this Google Datastudio Visualization I will continue working it and refining it to make more accessible and including the second sheet as well.

I hope this helps.

Edtech & TESOL, M.A.
Senior Teacher of English TEL, C&I, and PD Specialist

Greg Sadler
4 years ago

I’ve got about 1500 philosophy videos in my main YouTube channel -

Right now, I’m teaching 5 classes, producing still more video and podcast content, continuing my work with clients, running meetings, etc – so I really don’t have much time for adding entries to the spreadsheet.

If someone else wants to do that for some of the videos in my channel, I’d be grateful for that, and they’d likely prove helpful for some

Joeri Kooimans
4 years ago

Hi Everyone,

I also have philosophy classes on my youtubechannel. They’re mainly Dutch, but nowadays of course you can opt for auto-translate. I teach philosophy to future social workers.

4 years ago

This is great. I think it would be nice also to have more videos and/or audio presenting new research. (Perhaps Justin could help post a call for contributions.) I know that a few of us would like to pass some of this time learning about the research that others are doing, particularly now that so many conferences and workshops have been cancelled or postponed. I’ve seen new work from Roger Clarke and Branden Fitelson and really hope to see more of this in the weeks and months to come. We’ve put up calls for new contributions on Board Certified Epistemologists and Bored, Certified Ethicists and I hope that readers of Daily Nous might think about taking the time to tell us about what you’re working on now that we’re all masters at generating content.