“A Tale of Two Philosophy Students” (and other poems by Felicia Nimue Ackerman)

The following is a guest post*  of poems  by Felicia Nimue Ackerman, professor of philosophy at Brown University. 

[Frank Stella, “Double Gray Scramble”]

A Tale of Two Philosophy Students

Elinda livens up my class,
Her fervor all aglow,
But never fears to take a pass
By saying, “I don’t know.”

Eugene will not admit a doubt;
No way will he demur.
He’s frantic to increase his clout.
Why can’t he be like her?

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Advice to Students

Philosophy won’t make you rich.
Philosophy won’t make you wise.
But if it’s your passion, don’t switch.
Delight in your cognitive highs.

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Advice to Journal Editors

Be careful whenever you choose
The people to write your reviews.
A reader can hardly depend
On critics who favor a friend.

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A Tale of Two Philosophy Careers

Behold the unstoppable Greg.
Where there’s a round hole, he becomes a round peg.
Behold how he fits with the team.
His path is unswerving; he rises like cream.
Behold Larry still down below.
Does Greg make him jealous? He doesn’t quite know.


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