Summer Programs in Philosophy for Undergraduates – 2020

As in the past, I’m opening up a post for the listing of summer programs in philosophy for undergraduate students.

[Alex Thibodeau, Lunar Calendar 2020, detail]

If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes the program name, dates, location, contact information, application deadline, a description of the program, and a link to further information, like so:

Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy
“Agreement, Disagreement, and Uncertainty”
University of Colorado, Boulder
June 7-26, 2020
Application Review begins March 15, 2020
Description: The Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy is intended for outstanding advanced undergraduates who are considering graduate school in philosophy. The aim is to introduce students to the atmosphere of a graduate-level seminar, giving them a chance to explore their philosophical abilities and interests before they commit to a graduate program. The topic for the 2020 Summer Seminar is “Agreement, Disagreement, and Uncertainty”. The seminar will be team taught by twelve or more faculty members and will cover a wide variety of historical and contemporary issues in metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Expected class sessions include discussions of: agreement and sexual consent, agreement and the social contract tradition, religious disagreement, disagreement and the status of intuitions, individual disagreement and group-level mental states, moral disagreement and moral realism, moral uncertainty and the law, uncertainty and external world skepticism, uncertainty and inductive skepticism, uncertainty and quantum physics, and ethical theory and uncertainty about the future.
Further information here:

For information about summer programs in philosophy for graduate students, see this page.

Art: “The Instruments Agree” by Alec Thibodeau

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Edouard Machery
4 years ago

Pittsburgh Summer Program 4: A Summer Program in Philosophy of Science for Underrepresented Groups,
University of Pittsburgh, Center for Philosophy of Science
July 13 – 17, 2020
Applications are due March 1, 2020, and participants will be notified by April 15, 2020.
Description: The Summer Program will feature two daily graduate seminars about core issues and cutting-edge topics in general philosophy of science and philosophy of the special sciences (e.g., physics, biology, cognitive science and neuroscience, social sciences). The seminars and lectures will be given by internationally recognized faculty in the Department of History and Philosophy of Science and the Department of Philosophy at the University of Pittsburgh as well as in the Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University. While this program is designed for students traditionally underrepresented in philosophy of science, all qualified undergraduate applicants will be considered. Past coursework in philosophy of science is not a prerequisite for application to the Summer Program.
Further information here:

Toby Meadows
Toby Meadows
4 years ago

The Department of Logic and Philosophy of Science at UC Irvine will host a five-day Summer Program for students from underrepresented groups who are planning to undertake graduate study in logic and philosophy of science. The program is intended to provide students with skills for undertaking graduate study and in the processes of application for such work. The program will take place at UC Irvine from August 3-8, 2020. If accepted students will be provided with transportation and accommodation. Applications will be due on March 13.

Form more information (that will be updated) see:

Amy Berg
Amy Berg
4 years ago

Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown University
Brown University
July 6-17, 2020
Applications are due March 1, and applicants will be notified of admissions decisions by April 1
Description: SIPP@Brown is a two-week residential program for undergraduate students who are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in philosophy and who are members of groups that traditionally have been underrepresented in the field. This year’s program will be held July 6 – 17. During the program, participants will attend two daily seminars. They will also participate in regular social and educational activities arranged by the Brown Department of Philosophy and in the SIPP@Brown Conference. Participants can expect to leave the program with a better understanding of what graduate school in philosophy is like and how to prepare applications for both MA and PhD programs. SIPP@Brown provides food and lodging for students during the program and reimburses up to $500 of travel costs to and from Providence, RI. Students also receive a $500 stipend.
Further information here: or email [email protected]

4 years ago

Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institutes

PIKSI-Rock at Penn State: June 17 – June 26, 2020 (

PIKSI-Boston at MIT: July 23 – July 30, 2020

PIKSI-Logic at Northeastern: July 27 – July 31, 2020

PIKSI summer institutes are designed to encourage undergraduates from
groups traditionally underrepresented in philosophy to consider future
study of philosophy. Undergraduates and recent graduates are urged to
apply; groups traditionally underrepresented in (anglophone) philosophy
include women, LGBTQ and gender non-conforming people, people from
economically disadvantaged communities, people with disabilities, and
people of color or people racialized as nonwhite, including Chicano/a/xs and
Latino/a/xs, Indigenous people, Pacific Islanders, people of African descent,
and people of Asian descent. Transportation and lodging are provided.
Stipends are awarded to all.

Rock and Boston applications are due January 31, 2020:

Logic application due April 15, 2020:

4 years ago

Does anyone know of summer programs for philosophically interested High School students?

Mercedes Corredor
Mercedes Corredor
4 years ago

Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy
Hamilton College, Clinton, New York
June 28–July 11, 2020
Application Deadline: March 16, 2020

Description: The Hamilton College Summer Program in Philosophy (HCSPiP) is designed for twenty excellent undergraduate students seeking an exciting and collegial two week experience studying philosophy with other ambitious students. Three concurrent courses, chosen for their innovative pedagogies, will be offered, June 28–July 11, 2020. (1) Philosophy and Comedy, taught by Prof. Ashley Pryor (University of Toledo) (2) Adventures in Meta-Philosophy: Projects for Young Philosophers, taught by Prof. Anthony Weston (Elon University). (3) Disagreement in the Digital Age: Philosophical Reflection About/With New Technology, taught by Prof. Michael Barnes (University of Toronto & Ryerson University). Unlike other philosophy summer programs, the HCSPiP was not created mainly to prepare students for graduate work. Our program is designed to explore new ways to teach and learn philosophy. Instructors are committed to active, student-centered learning and the classes may not feel like ones to which you may have become accustomed. In addition to the three courses, the HCSPiP may include visiting speakers, a day trip to the Adirondacks, and a July 4 celebration. To participate actively and take advantage of the opportunity, students must have exceptional intrinsic motivation for philosophical work. No college credit is awarded. We have room for ten Hamilton College students and ten students from other colleges or universities. There is no tuition for the summer school. Room and board at Hamilton College will be provided. In addition, students who attend the summer school will receive a $750 stipend, plus up to $500 reimbursement for travel.

Further information here:

Clinton Tolley
4 years ago

Summer Program for Women in Philosophy (SPWP) at UC San Diego
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA
July 20-31, 2020
application deadline: February 15, 2020
description: SPWP is a ten-day program for undergraduate women who are interested in pursuing graduate study in philosophy. SPWP is hosted by the UC San Diego Philosophy Department, and features philosophy seminar courses taught by visiting and UC San Diego faculty, along with a variety of workshops taught by faculty and graduate students — all geared towards providing an engaging philosophical learning experience and helpful preparation for applying to and succeeding at graduate school in philosophy and beyond.
SPWP welcomes applications from women who are interested in pursuing graduate study in philosophy, and who are either (a) US or Canadian citizens and are currently enrolled in an accredited college or university; or (b) citizens of other countries who are currently enrolled in an accredited college or university within the US.
Students admitted to SPWP will have their transportation costs reimbursed (up to $500), will be provided with housing and meals on the UC San Diego campus for the duration of the program, will have all reading materials needed for coursework provided electronically, and will receive a $200 allowance for incidentals during their visit.
for more information on visiting speakers, application materials, and more please visit our website:

4 years ago

Here is a list:

I haven’t updated it lately, but it’s approximately accurate.

Elio Antonucci
4 years ago

Transcendental Idealism in Post-Kantian German Philosophy
University of Köln. Conference date(s): June 22, 2020 – June 26, 2020.

Transcendental Idealism usually refers to the philosophy of knowledge developed by Immanuel Kant in the last decades of the 18th century. However, its significance extends far beyond the limits of Kantian philosophy, so that it would be no exaggeration to claim that most part of European and a fortiori Western philosophy has been developed against a background modelled on Transcendental Idealism. German Idealism, Historicism, Psychologism, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology are just a few of the philosophical traditions which have addressed the question of the method and content of transcendental idealist philosophy and which have tried in different ways to either reject the program of Transcendental Idealism or to defend it against ever-present criticisms. This year’s Summer School on “Transcendental Idealism in Post-Kantian German Philosophy” is co-organized by Marquette University and the Universität zu Köln (Cologne University) and aims to give a broad historical and systematic overview of Transcendental Idealism in its development from the end of the 18t h till today for advanced B.A. and graduate students. Through a program that retraces the main stages of the path of Transcendental Idealism in the 19th and 20th centuries (German Idealism, post-Hegelian philosophy, Neo-Kantianism, Phenomenology, and Speculative Realism), the summer school will offer keynote lectures by experts in the field in addition to close reading sessions of classical texts on the dominant philosophers that have tackled the issue of Transcendental Idealism. The leading question in the light of current debates in contemporary philosophy will be: has Transcendental Idealism been overcome today or can still play a role in the current philosophical landscape? Only after reviewing the classic “foes” and “keepers” of Transcendental Idealism over the last two centuries, it will be possible to address this question.

Elio Antonucci
4 years ago

Cancellation and postponement of the summer school “Transcendental Idealismin Post-Kantian German Philosophy

We regret to inform you that due to the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic the summer school on “Transcendental Idealism in Post-Kantian German Philosophy” has been officially cancelled.

In the last months we have worked hard in order to make the summer school possible. Unfortunately the development of the pandemic has eventually forced the University of Marquette and the University of Cologne, on the indication of the German department of health, to announce the cancellation of all the events for the current summer semester. We had to put aside the hypothesis to carry out the summer school in digital form since, after an internal discussion, we thought that it would have not allowed us to realize the summer school in a satisfactory way.

However, with this message we also announce that the summer school will be postponed to the next year.
In the next months we will communicate the exact dates of the Summer School 2021.

The contribution of those who submitted their abstract may be possibly considered for the 2021 Summer School, in case they plan to participate again.

Thank you again for your interest in the summer school and we look forward to seeing you on 2021.

Elio Antonucci, Marco Cavallaro, Niklas Grouls, Sebastian Luft