Ten Things I Love About Philosophers

Happy Valentine’s Day, philosofriends!

What do I love about philosophers? (Can I love philosophers in general? Does love work that way? And how is this compatible with there being specific philosophers I don’t love? And…)

Philosophers tend to be:

  1. imaginative
  2. able to take great pleasure in puzzlement
  3. smart
  4. better than many at not taking it personally when corrected
  5. good at exploring possibilities
  6. concerned with being careful and precise in what they say
  7. able to see things from others’ point of view
  8. less bound by convention
  9. appreciative of complexity
  10. unselfconscious about how unusual they are

Philosophers are also good at coming up with counterexamples, but we don’t need to exercise that skill in this regard today, do we?

If you want to share what you love about philosophers, feel free to in the comments.

Have a good day. I hope you feel loved.

Jim Dine, “Eight Hearts”

Related: “Valentine’s Day Special: Philosophers on Love, Relationships, Jealousy, Autonomy, Respect, Affairs, Desire, & more“; “Philosophy Valentines“; “The Personality of Philosophy Majors“; “Do You Want to Date a Philosopher?

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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5 years ago

This is a very sweet post. Thank you Justin.

5 years ago

4. is clearly not true.

Reply to  Justin Weinberg
5 years ago

Defensive bastard.

Hey Nonny Mouse
Hey Nonny Mouse
5 years ago

Great post! Here’s one – I think we are more likely to change our minds in the face of reasoned argument than many others are. If that’s true, that’s an achievement to be proud of.

Carolyn Dicey Jennings
Carolyn Dicey Jennings
5 years ago

I love that most philosophers I know are less concerned about superficial goods, such as money and fame, and more concerned with deeper goods, such as knowledge and friendship. Thanks, Justin!

Michael Feld
Michael Feld
5 years ago

Laudable. Plausible. Item 4 is clearly false .

Alan White
Alan White
5 years ago

With regard with the exchange above, may I say “Happy Valentine’s Day” in Klingon:

Quch valentine jaj!

Dale E Miller
5 years ago

11. affordable

5 years ago

These 10 tendencies of lovely philosophers are better conceived for Valentine’s Day when suffixed with “in bed”

Try a hypothetical proposition with your favorite philosopher tonight … in bed.

Joshua Blanchard
Joshua Blanchard
5 years ago

11. Shockingly willing to write essays about the intersection of myrmecology and philosophy.