
Here’s the latest edition of Mini-Heap.

Mini-Heap posts appear when about 10 new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

  1. A philosophical appreciation of the hip-hop magazine “The Source” — from Lawrence Ware (Oklahoma State)
  2. Avital Ronell (NYU), a professor of German and Comparative Literature known for work in contemporary Continental philosophy, is found to have sexually harassed a male student — NY Times looks at the case and a now infamous letter from other academics defending her
  3. What is media impartiality? — Joe Mazer (LSE) offers an account
  4. “The Man-Not: Race, Class, Genre, and the Dilemmas of Black Manhood” by Tommy Curry (Texas A&M) is one of the winners of the American Book Awards — awarded by the Before Columbus Foundation
  5. “An incident of sexual harassment occurred at the annual American Society for Aesthetics conference last November. … I am the accuser.”
  6. A philosopher is writing a book composed of “Batman slapping Robin” memes and commentary thereon — the author is Simon Evnine (Miami), and he’s blogging about it
  7. What’s going on when people preface their remarks with phrases like, “as a [member of some demographic group]”? — Kwame Anthony Appiah (NYU) takes a look
  8. The ethics of miscarriage, reproductive loss, and fetal death — Kathryn Norlock (Trent) on Radical Philosophy Radio
  9. “Historians [of philosophy] will chide you for claiming something about the past that they are happy to claim about the present” — Martin Lenz (Groningen) on “myths in the history of philosophy”
  10. Novel teaching practices in philosophy courses — share yours
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5 years ago

nice to have some of the background to the site