New Bertrand Russell Archives and Research Centre Opens

The Bertrand Russell Archives and Research Centre at McMaster University has opened. While McMaster University acquired the Russell Archives 50 years ago, and has had a Research Centre  focused on Russell since 2000, the collection is now in what the university newspaper, The Silhouette, reports is its own “state of the art facility.”

The Centre houses over 250,000 original documents written by Russell, over 3000 books from his own personal library, nearly 4000 volumes of his published works, as well as photos and artifacts, such as his writing desk and armchair, The Silhouette reports.

There’s more information about the Centre here and here.

And here’s a television interview with Russell.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
5 years ago

Russell had a massive influence on me as a young man, perhaps too much of an influence (I used to smoke the same brand of pipe tobacco as him when I was a student at Oxford). Now I feel I am growing steadily to look like him in my riper years ( or more desiccated). I should get myself up to McMaster some day so that I feel his presence. If only I could perfect that accent!

Eugeny Loginov
Eugeny Loginov
Reply to  Colin McGinn
5 years ago

Dear Professor McGinn,
Do you remember the name of that brand of pipe tobacco?

Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
Reply to  Eugeny Loginov
5 years ago

Golden Mixture

Landon Elkind
Landon Elkind
5 years ago

This is terrific news for Russell studies! McMaster University should get a lot of credit for giving pride of place to a prized archival collection. I visited the old location – a room in the Mills Library – and the new facility is a tremendous improvement. It feels like one is visiting a Russell Archive, not just messing with Russell’s papers in a basement.