AAUP Releases Report on Faculty Salaries

The American Association of University Professors (AAUP) has released its Annual Report on the Economic Status of the Profession, 2017-18.

Average salaries for full-time faculty increased 3% over the previous year (1.1% adjusted for inflation). The authors of the report say:

the conditions in higher education that have produced several years of salary changes near or below the rate of inflation seem unlikely to change in the near future. Outside of base salary, many of the pressures that are decreasing the real dollar amount of medical, retirement, and other benefits also seem to be entrenched.

Below is the report’s table of average salary and compensation (salary + benefits) for faculty at various ranks at various types of institutions of higher education:

Further reporting on this data is available at Inside Higher Ed and The Chronicle of Higher Education.

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Kenny Easwaran
6 years ago

I’m surprised to see 1.1% higher than rate of inflation called “near or below the rate of inflation”. Isn’t that actually pretty strong growth? It’s not as high as the rate of increase of college tuition, or medical care, but it sounds like pretty robust growth to me.