Enormous Philosophy & Music Festival (Discount for DN readers!)

HowTheLightGetsIn is an interesting and big (the biggest?) summer philosophy and music festival. It is taking place from May 26th to June 5th in Hay-on-Wye, and features talks, debates, and, of course, concerts. There are sessions on questions in epistemology, politics, mind, free will, ethics, the emotions, rationality, and more.

A bunch of philosophers and theorists are participating, including Roger Scruton, Ted Honderich, Thomas Pogge, Kimberle Crenshaw, Stanley Fish, John Searle, Nancy Cartwright, Paul Boghossian, Anita Avramides, Babette Babich, and David Chalmers.

Looks like fun. You can check out the full program here.

The conference is sponsored by the The Institute of Art and Ideas (IAI), a non-profit organization “committed to fostering a progressive and vibrant intellectual culture in the UK.”

They have kindly offered Daily Nous readers a 10% discount off of ticket prices. Just enter the code DAILYNOUS16 at checkout.


HowTheLightGetsIn site image 1

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Sara L. Uckelman
8 years ago

I was terribly disappointed to have to turn down an invitation to participate; it looks like a lot of fun, but I had a prior commitment that weekend. I hope I get reinvited another time, if for no other reason than Hay-on-Wye has one of the highest concentrations of book sellers in the country.

8 years ago

But seriously, what are the green rooms like for this event?

Jim Spence
Jim Spence
8 years ago

Is this an annual event?

Martin Pickup
8 years ago

Yep, the festival runs every year. This year’s theme is ‘The Known, the Strange and the New’. I hope many Daily Nous readers are able to come along (and thanks, Justin, for putting this up)!
I’ll also take the chance to say that Alisa Mandrigin (Warwick) and I are the inaugural IAI Fellows, who’ll help the Institute with their programme throughout this year and next. Do join us at this event or another!