Public Philosophy Award Update

As reported in December, the Marc Sanders Foundation, which offers several philosophy essay prizes, has created a new award for public philosophy. Barry Maguire (UNC), who has played a large role in creating this prize and in other public philosophy initiatives, informs me that submissions for the award are now welcome, and has more details at his site, including:

  • Submissions must be unpublished essays between 3,000 and 10,000 words, with significant philosophical content or method (from any field in philosophy) by authors with significant philosophical training addressed primarily to the general reader.
  • First prize is $4,500 and publication of the essay in Philosophers’ Imprint. Second prize is publication at Aeon. Additionally, “the top two essays will both be published (or cross-posted) in Salon and The Point. There will also be an opportunity for the winner(s) to present their work directly to a general audience.”
  • Susan Wolf (UNC) is chairing the award committee.
  • The deadline for submissions is October 10, 2016.

In related news, there are plans underway for a large public philosophy workshop in Scotland in summer 2017. The workshop will bring relevant experts from inside and outside philosophy together with philosophers interested in public philosophy. The workshop will help to develop the skills specific to writing and communicating philosophical ideas to a broader audience. More information will follow in the coming months. Anyone with comments or questions in the meantime is invited to contact Barry Maguire.

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recent grad
recent grad
8 years ago

This is really great. I hope the swing away from scholasticism continues.

7 years ago

A wonderful initiative.