Help With Philosophy Teaching

The editors of the Blog of the American Philosophical Association have begun a new series to help members of the profession with questions, challenges, and problems, about teaching philosophy. Jennifer Morton (CUNY) writes:

The Teaching Workshop is a new, regular feature on the Blog of the APA, run by the APA’s committee on the teaching of philosophy. Every other week, we offer answers to anonymous, reader-provided questions about teaching philosophy. This means we need your questions! Send us questions related to classroom management, student interaction, best pedagogical methods, assessment, or whatever else you struggle with as an instructor of philosophy. If you can, please tell us about the kind of environment in which you’re teaching (SLAC or large public university, for instance) and describe how you have tried in the past to tackle the issue about which you’re asking. Our e-mail is [email protected].

This is just one of several interesting things popping up at APAblog, along with interviews of philosophers and the What Are You Reading? series.

Relatedly, don’t miss the latest Ought Experiment, in which Louie Generis helps a reader navigate a part of the appropriate boundaries of the professor-student relationship.

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