Philosophy Summer Programs for Graduate Students/PhDs – 2024

Please use the comments section on this post to share information about Summer 2024 Programs in Philosophy for graduate students and/or PhDs in philosophy.

If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes:
– program name
– dates
– location 
– contact information
– application deadline
– a brief (one-paragraph) description of the program
– link to further information

Here’s an example:

Summer Training Program to Expand the Al and Data Ethics Research Community
Dates: June 3-August 4, 2024
Location: Northeastern University, Boston, MA
Contact: John Basl – [email protected]
Deadline: January 6, 2024
Description: This summer school is intended for graduate students with advanced training in applied ethics, ethical theory, philosophy of science, or other areas with potential research applications to AI and big data who would like to develop research capacities in the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI), data ethics, and the philosophy of technology.  Designing AI and machine learning systems to promote human flourishing in just and sustainable ways will require a robust and diverse AI and data ethics research community. However, there are few graduate programs that train students in these areas. The aim of this summer long, in person training program is to supplement resources in students’ home universities with ethical and technical skills necessary to research in this area.
Further information:

Philosophy Summer Programs for Undergraduates – 2024
Philosophy Summer Programs for Graduate Students/PhDs – 2024

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Ryan Muldoon
8 months ago

PPE Graduate Summer Workshop
Dates: July 22-26
Location: Chapman University, Orange, CA
Contact: John Thrasher ([email protected]) or Ryan Muldoon ([email protected])
Deadline: Feb 1
Description: This weeklong summer workshop will combine the introduction of PPE methods with practical training and philosophical discussion. Topics include:
Rational Choice & Game Theory
Formal Political Theory: Spatial Theory & Coalitional Bargaining
Experimental Economic / Experimental Methods
Social Norms
Evolutionary Theory & Social Evolution
Agent-Based Modeling
This workshop pairs instruction on the basics of PPE methods with discussions of cutting-edge PPE research that uses those methods. The size of this workshop facilitates lecturers and organizers to get to know each student and to address any specific questions they have along the way. One added benefit of this format is the substantial possibilities for networking among the participants. The overlapping interests they explore here and the friendships they form will likely lead to future research collaborations. In addition to the instructional and research sessions, participants will also work on developing a PPE research project that they will present to the group at the end of the week.

Further Information:

Alex Grzankowski
Alex Grzankowski
8 months ago

AI Summer School in Paris

1st – 5th July 2024

Paris, France


Organized by

The Institute of Philosophy, School of Advanced Study, University of London

The AI & Humanity Lab @ HKU

The London AI and Humanity Project

The summer school will feature two learning tracks:

Track 1: Ethics, Politics, and Social Implications of AI
Track 2: Themes in the Philosophy of Mind, Language, Metaphysics, and Epistemology of AI
Each track will be taught by leading researchers in the field. In addition to the two learning tracks, the summer school will also host keynote addresses from additional top researchers each evening.

More details:

8 months ago

Ethics of Attention Summer School
Dates: 1-5th July 2024
Location: Central European University, Budapest Campus
Contact: [email protected]
Application deadline: February 14th
This five-day intensive course investigates the ethical dimensions of attention. We live in the attention economy, where attention is commodified and manipulated. Attentional crises abound: big tech, social media, and the pandemic have eroded people’s attentional capacities. Attention, though, is paramount to personal and institutional flourishing. Attending to people, places, and projects is at the heart of love, community, justice, good relationships, creativity, art, education, and mental health. It is also a central, but overlooked, component of justice. We can wrong each other with attention patterns. Improper attention can also create unfair and dangerous social disparities; scientists might overlook medical differences between women and men, for example, and fail to notice this oversight. And yet theorists lack adequate frameworks for conceptualising and assessing this.

The summer school aims to remedy this. Participants first survey major theories of attention, including Asian philosophy, analytic philosophy, and psychology. They then apply these frameworks to real-life case studies about technology, media, advertising, power, prejudice, bias, colonialism, art, love, religion, self-improvement, mental health, science research, and skepticism about vaccines, pandemics, and climate change.

Further details will be available here soon:

Reply to  Cathy
7 months ago

Details now available here:

Sara Chan
7 months ago

Athena in Action: A Networking and Mentoring Workshop for Graduate Student Women in Philosophy
Dates: June 17-21, 2024
Location: University of Notre Dame
Deadline: January 15 2024
Description: This workshop brings together graduate students with women faculty mentors for three days of substantive philosophical discussion and professional advice sessions. Participants benefit from getting to know the other talented graduate students and the faculty members, and from hearing the mentors’ advice on topics of interest to women in the profession.

The page for online application can be found here: 

Sara Chan
Reply to  Sara Chan
7 months ago

CORRECTION: the dates should be June 24-27

Corey Dethier
Corey Dethier
7 months ago

Philosophy of Statistics Early Career Summer WorkshopDates: August 12-14, 2024
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Contact: Corey Dethier ([email protected])
Abstract deadline: March 31, 2024
Full paper deadline: July 1, 2024

Description: Statistics is extraordinarily important to the practice of the sciences, but remains relatively underexplored by philosophers. This event brings together early career researchers (including current graduate students) from philosophy and related disciplines who are interested in the philosophy of statistics for a pre-read workshop and discussion in Minneapolis. We hope that the workshop will not just involve presenting and sharing current ideas, but will foster future collaborations and form the foundations for a network and community of young scholars working in the area.

For more information, please visit:

Fr. JD Rooney, OP
Fr. JD Rooney, OP
7 months ago

ATI Summer Seminar in Asian Philosophy and Scholasticism:Peace, Inside and Out
July 15-26th, 2024 • Hong Kong Baptist University
Dr. Jonathan Crowe, Bond University
Dr. May Sim, College of the Holy Cross

2024 Seminar Theme – Peace, Inside and Out: T

his seminar is intended to introduce scholars and graduate students to Confucian and medieval Latin (‘Scholastic’) perspectives on peace within individuals and in broader society, hoping to pave the way for fruitful philosophical dialogue between these important traditions by bringing together those working on projects in Asian or medieval philosophy, ethics, political philosophy, religion, and theology. Preference will be given to those students or scholars already working on issues associated with the theme of the seminar. Questions regarding the nature of peace, and what is required for its achievement, are central to the classical political tradition East and West. Those same questions deeply impact questions concerning what it is to live a good life, as explored differently in ethics and theology. The Confucian and medieval Latin tradition have extensively explored these themes together, as fundamentally inseparable: peace in society requires as a necessary, if not sufficient condition, peace within each heart. The role of education, especially moral or character education, is also critical for effecting the relevant changes to conscience required for peace to flourish. These perspectives have great value in the midst of growing tensions and conflict in the world today. This seminar will focus on shared themes or insights associated with peace within medieval Scholastic philosophy, as well as within Confucian philosophy, both in earlier forms (e.g., High Middle Ages, Qin dynasty Confucians) and in later developments of the tradition.

Format of Seminar and Additional Information:
● The seminar will take place on campus at Hong Kong Baptist University, in Hong Kong.
● There will be sessions from 9:30am-5:45pm from Monday to Friday, with the weekend free. Each morning will open with lectures and a seminar-style discussion of the texts and issues at hand. Each afternoon will involve presentations of papers by participants and further seminar-style discussion of topics relevant to the participants’ interests.
● Fifteen scholars and fifteen graduate students will be admitted to this seminar as participants. All admitted participants to the seminar (scholar or graduate student) will have food, accommodation, and travel covered by the CSCS-ATI.
● Each admitted participant will be required to write a 3000-4000 word paper that can be presented during the course of the seminar. (Graduate students will be assigned topics; scholars will propose a paper topic as part of their application).
● Others are also allowed to attend as observers, after registering online and paying a registration fee.

Application Instructions: Scholar applicants who want to be considered as participants will be required to submit a completed application form, including:o A cover letter of no more than two pages, indicating your interest in the seminar, your areas of research, and a paper topic proposal (300-500 words) for an article that might cover the themes of the seminar. This should be new research you intend to undertake, not previously published work. A completed paper will need to be submitted before the seminar begins.
o An updated CV including: name, date of birth, address, email, current academic institution, degree, discipline, and publications.

Graduate student applicants will be required to submit a completed application form, including:o A cover letter of no more than half a page, indicating briefly your interest in the seminar.
o An updated CV, including: name, date of birth, address, email, current academic institution, degree, discipline, any publications, and a list of all graduate coursework.
o A brief statement of research interest no longer than 750 words.
o One academic writing sample.
o A letter of recommendation from your PhD supervisor (attached within the completed application).

Observers need not apply, but will require filling out this form on the CSCS website.All application materials should be combined into one PDF file (with materials in the order indicated above) and submitted via e-mail to [email protected]. Please put as the subject of the email: “Summer Seminar 2024 Application: [Scholar/Student].” Please direct any further questions to [email protected].
APPLICATIONS DUE: January 30th, 2024. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Damiano Costa
7 months ago

Summer School: A map through the land of dragons. Syntax, truth, and paradox

Dates: June 17-21, 2024
Location: USI, Lugano, Switzerland
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: February 15, 2024

Description: Volker Halbach and Lorenzo Rossi will provide an introduction to the theory of the semantic paradoxes and discuss their proposed solutions, analyses, and their philosophical relevance. The liar and related paradoxes do not only affect the notion of truth, but others that are central to philosophy such as necessity, apriority, and future truth. We will study the properties of such sentences as The sentence in italic on this page is not true in a precise formal setting. Participants are not expected to be familiar with techniques such as arithmetization and diagonalization. Bypassing the unnecessary mathematical tools by using an axiomatic syntax theory, we will still provide a formally precise account and proceed swiftly to the philosophical core of the discussions around the paradoxes. In particular, we will discuss the effect of paradoxes on the expressive power of truth, necessity, and related notions, as well as their impact on the foundations of semantics. We will also cover a wide variety of paradoxes such as the Visser-Yablo, the Knower, McGee’s, and the No Future paradox. We will critically discuss a gamut of conceptions of paradoxicality, applying them to the study of the various kinds of paradoxes we have introduced, and we will investigate their connection with some of the main formal theories of truth.
Most of the content will be based on Graham Leigh’s and Volker Halbach’s new book The Road to Paradox: A Guide to Syntax, Truth, and Modality, which is scheduled to appear with Cambridge University Press in January 2024. The summer school, however, will be self-contained and all relevant teaching materials will be supplied to participants. Moreover, the course givers are happy to adjust their plans to the wishes and preferences of the audience to some extent. Hence there may be some deviations, especially in the later parts.
Participants who would like to prepare themselves in the best way for the summer school can have a look at the attached annotated bibliography. 

Further information:

Jean-Baptiste Guillon
Jean-Baptiste Guillon
7 months ago

Summer School in Philosophy of Religion: “Divine Providence in Classical and Neoclassical Theism”

Dates: June 24-26, 2024
Location: University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain
Contact: [email protected]
Deadline: January 15, 2024

Description: This intensive 3-day Summer School is a crash-course on the differences between classical and neoclassical models of God in contemporary natural theology, and their respective models of Divine Providence.
In contemporary philosophy of religion, prominent philosophers such as Plantinga, Swinburne or van Inwagen have conceived of God as having all the so-called “omniproperties”: omnipotence, omniscience, omnibenevolence, etc. But these analytic theologians seem to have left out some divine attributes which were important for many theist philosophers in antiquity and in the middle-ages, namely: simplicity, atemporality or impassibility. Even though these classical attributes concern what God is in Himself (they are “entitative” attributes), nevertheless they have consequences on the model we can accept of His relation to His creation, and on the model of Providence.
The Summer School will be immediately followed by a 2-day international workshop on “Providence, Free Will, and God’s entitative attributes”, to which the participants in the Summer School are invited to attend.
The Summer School is especially intended for PhD students, postdocs, and early career scholars in either philosophy or theology. No prior knowledge of analytic philosophy of religion is required.
There is no fee for attending the Summer School, and there is limited funding available for a maximum of 6 participants, including hotel accommodation for the whole week (as to attend the subsequent workshop), plus a refund of €170 for travel expenses.
Lecturers: Agustín Echavarría, Jean-Baptiste Guillon, Ryan Mullins and Ignacio Silva.

Further information downloadable at:

Denis Robichaud
Denis Robichaud
7 months ago

Elements of Reasoning / Elements of Nature: Physis Summer Convivium 2024

Dates: 17-20 June, 2024
Location: The University of Notre Dame’s Rome Global Gateway, Rome, Italy
Contact: [email protected] (Denis Robichaud)
Deadline: 15 February, 2025

PHYSIS: the Notre Dame Laboratory for the Study of Nature in the Premodern World, housed in the University of Notre Dame’s John J. Reilly Center for Science, Technology and Values, in conjunction with the Notre Dame History of Philosophy Forum and with financial support of the Medieval Institute is seeking graduate student applicants to participate in a week-long advanced summer research seminars on the topic of  Elements of Nature/Elements of Reasoning.

A distinctive feature of premodern philosophy and science is the organization of nature, reasoning, and methods into elements (στοιχεῖα). On the one hand, countless thinkers from the pre-Socratics to medieval philosophers either reduced nature into one or two, then four or five elements (earth, water, air, fire, and aether) or developed atomistic models, whether materialist or mathematical. On the other hand, philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians in the premodern world also conceived of elements of reasoning as they developed axiomatic methods of demonstration and argumentation. Perhaps the most famous example of this kind of reasoning is Euclid’s Elements (Στοιχεῖα), but other ancient and medieval thinkers composed works in elemental modes and formulated axiomatic methods. These two threads in the premodern history of philosophy and science are often studied independently, but careful examination identifies commonalities and attempts to connect the phenomena. 

The seminars will be held in Rome at the University of Notre Dame’s Rome Global Gateway from 17-20 June, 2024 and will consist of 8 research faculty and 8 graduate students. All participants will be responsible for leading a research seminar on a related topic. Successful applicants will receive room and board for the duration of the Convivium.

Confirmed Seminar Faculty Participants

Riccardo Chiaradonna, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

David Cory, University of Notre Dame 

Therese Cory, University of Notre Dame

Robert Goulding, University of Notre Dame

Jan Opsomer, De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, KU-


Vincenzo de Risi, CNRS, France and Max Plank Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Denis Robichaud, University of Notre Dame

Luca Tuninetti, Pontifica Università Urbaniana

Applicants need to be enrolled in a graduate program (MA, PhD, or equivalent) and submit the following three items:

i)               a short CV

ii)             500 word description of research interest and / or thesis project, with a proposal for a seminar presentation and key texts to be discussed

iii)            a brief endorsement via email from the student’s advisor (a letter of rec. is not necessary)

Please submit all of the required materials at [email protected] by 15 February, 2024.

Successful applicants will be responsible for a $250 fee to help defray the costs of organizing the seminar.

Heather Reid
5 months ago

“Greek for Philosophers” announces the

Siracusa Summer Seminar on Plato’s Meno
July 14 – 26, 2024
Exedra Mediterranean Center, Siracusa, Sicily

Deadline to apply for financial aid April 15
Deadline to register July 1
Contact: [email protected]

The Summer Seminar combines instruction in Ancient Greek at different levels with discussion of Plato’s Meno, and the opportunity to present papers or posters on relevant topics. Mornings are free for swimming in the sea, jogging around the island, or optional archeological visits and cultural activities. Evening discussions can be continued at Ortigia’s many bars and restaurants.

Greek instruction is offered at three levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and the Advanced Reading Group. Faculty include Chiara Blanco (Newcastle), Jurgen Gatt (Malta), George Gazis (Durham) and Heather Reid (Exedra).

Register here
Apply for financial aid (deadline April 15)
Offer to sponsor a student here.
More information is available here.

Sarah Köglsperger
4 months ago

Summer School with Gideon Rosen (Princeton), “Recent Work in the Metaphysics of Ethics”

5–9 August 2024

Crêt Bérard, Canton de Vaud, Switzerland

Contact: Sarah Köglsperger, [email protected]

Deadline for abstracts: 01 May 2024

The Chair for Ethics and Political Philosophy of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) is organising a Summer School with Gideon Rosen. The week-long summer school will focus on the metaphysics of morality, with a special focus on non-naturalist moral realism: the view that moral thought and discourse are concerned with real, mind-independent facts that are distinct from the empirical psychological and sociological facts that underly them. Topics to be discussed include the proper characterization of this view, the main motivations for it, and questions that arise with in it, including questions about the explanatory structure of moral reality, the role of moral laws in moral explanation, the modal status of those moral laws, and the distinctive forms of grounding that figure in them. One recurrent theme will be analogies (and disanalogies) between non-naturalist moral realism and other forms of dualism in recent metaphysics, including property dualism in the philosophy of mind and platonism in the philosophy of mathematics. The seminar will be designed to expose advanced students to the most important recent work on these topics and to provide a forum for the discussion of student work on open problems.


Sarah Köglsperger
3 months ago

Summer School on ‘Anarchy, State, and Utopia at 50’ with Eric Mack (Tulane) and Ralf Bader (Fribourg)
Dates: 1–6 September 2024
Location: Belle Epoque Hotel Victoria, Kandersteg, Switzerland
Contact: Sarah Köglsperger, [email protected]
Deadline for abstracts: 15 May 2024
The Chair for Ethics and Political Philosophy of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) is organising a Summer School to mark the 50th anniversary of Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State, and Utopia. The week-long summer school aims to foster a deeper understanding and critical evaluation of Nozick’s political philosophy and the ways in which it has helped to shape moral and political philosophy over the course of the last 50 years. The goal is to discuss and critically engage with the ideas presented by Nozick in his groundbreaking work and explore its lasting impact and contemporary relevance, including topics such as the nature and basis of individual rights, the entitlement theory of justice, the relationship between social and economic liberty, and the tension between liberty and equality. The summer school will be led by Prof. Eric Mack (Tulane) and Prof. Ralf Bader (Fribourg).

Further details:

Rasmus Sandnes Haukedal
Rasmus Sandnes Haukedal
1 month ago

ECNU International Summer School of Philosophy 2024
Dates: August 11-August 24, 2024
Location: Department of Philosophy, East China Normal University, Shanghai
Contact: Wang Yan汪燕, Rasmus Sandnes Haukedal — [email protected]
Deadline: June 9, 2024

Description: Hosted by the Institute for Modern Chinese Thought and Culture and the Department of Philosophy at East China Normal University, the 2024 ECNU International Summer School of Philosophy will take place from August 11th to 24th at ECNU in Shanghai. With an eye towards the importance of new perspectives in addressing recent and historical developments in human civilization, this year’s theme will be “Doing World Philosophy Today: In the Age of the Fusion of ‘the Past, the Present, the Chinese and the Western’”. The summer school will explore pressing issues related to the interaction of the East, the West, the past and the present, as well as the potential for productive cooperation between philosophy and modern science and technology. These explorations will take various forms, including lectures given by professors from different countries, cross-civilizational and interdisciplinary seminars among peers, and field studies of “philosophizing by walking”.

Funding: The summer school does not charge any tuition or fees. Successful applicants will receive free room and board during their stay in Shanghai. However, participants should pay their own travel costs. 

Further information:

Last edited 1 month ago by Rasmus Sandnes Haukedal