Gifts Made By Philosophers

The holiday season is upon us. As you go about your holiday shopping, might I suggest you to consider some gifts made by philosophers?

Let’s start with stuff from the philosopher-artists who create the comics here at Daily Nous: Pete Mandik (Mind Chunks), Tanya Kostochka (To φ Or Not To φ), Rachel Katler (Ad Hoc), and Ryan Lake (Chaospet). You can learn more about their awesome offerings by checking out this previous post, or you can go straight to their online shops by clicking on their buttons below:


Tanya has an additional shop here.

Gifts featuring portraits of philosophers are available from Renée Jorgensen here.

Maureen Eckert has philosophy and non-philosophy-themed art, clothing, and objects for sale here.

I’m sure there are other philosophers-makers out there with various goods on offer, so if you know about them, please share the details and links in the comments.

And let’s not forget a classic product made by many philosophers: books. If you’re looking for books by philosophers that might make for good gifts, consider ones that have been reviewed by non-academic outlets, which you can find by browsing through the “Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media” sections of these posts. Feel free to suggest others in the comments.

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Pete Mandik
1 year ago

Do check out the excellent philosophy-themed graphic design and illustration by philosopher John Holbo. His redbubble shop is here:

Robert M Wallace
Robert M Wallace
1 year ago

Not to hide my candle under a bushel, and for readers who are interested in both philosophy and what we call “spirituality,” I recommend: Robert M Wallace, _Philosophical Mysticism in Plato, Hegel, and the Present_ (Bloomsbury Academic, 2020). It has strong endorsements on Amazon and a positive review this month in _Journal of Consciousness Studies_, and much of it is quite accessible for motivated non-academic readers.

Helen De Cruz
1 year ago

I have heard from fellow philosophers this book makes for an excellent Christmas (or other holiday occasion) gift 🙂

1 year ago

I made some designs years ago. Once someone even gave away my mugs at an epistemology conference:

Rob Byer
Rob Byer
1 year ago

I have found some excellent merch (clothing, but also other items) at these websites.
The first two are widely known, I think, but still good. The last is one I only recently discovered and have really liked their designs and chutzpah.