LogIn Project Aims to Make the Field of Logic More Inclusive

LogIn is a project that aims to bring demographic diversity to logic and formal philosophy.

Noting that the mathematical sciences and philosophy have a disproportionately small number of racial/ethnic minorities and women in them, and that this underrepresentation is likely caused in part by some kind of “lack of comfort in the discipline,” the LogIn project

aims to overcome this by creating an inclusive community of students and researchers united by an interest in logic and formal philosophy. We aim to expose students to positive role models that they would otherwise not be able to interact with, and to create cooperation between students. We understand that one of the main factors for underrepresentation in academia is the socioeconomic one, but we aim to address the lack of role models and exposure. Studies conducted in STEM have shown that intervention programs with the aim of exposing students to the subject in a welcoming environment yield lower probabilities of drop out and higher probabilities of persisting in the STEM field of study compared to non-participants.

Created by Beatrice Buonaguidi, an MPhilStud student at Kings College London who works on non-classical set theories and hyperintensional logics, LogIn seeks to create “a virtual inclusive community centred around logic, to give students the opportunity to become passionate about logic and feel welcomed by the discipline.”

It’s tools for doing this include a podcast, a forthcoming diverse logic reading list, and the listing of opportunities dedicated to historically marginalized groups within the field.

The podcast can be found on multiple podcast platforms, including Spotify. Its first episode is now out, featuring guest Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (San Jose State).

You can learn more about LogIn here, and follow it on Instagram (@login_project2022) and Twitter (@login_project).

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1 year ago

Personal anecdote: daughter interested in majoring in computer science, has a knack for coding, completely changed her mind due to “computer science bros” and the toxic atmosphere of the major. The value of efforts to promote inclusivity should not be underestimated.

1 year ago

I hope this isn’t taken the wrong way, but does the claim “less than one in 10 academics in all the mathematical sciences are POC” include Asians as people of color? Because I had understood that Asians were for a long time statistically overrepresented in math.