Philosophy Grad Programs and the GRE, 2021-22 Application Cycle

Several philosophy graduate programs had previously announced that they were either permanently, or temporarily owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, no longer requiring applicants to submit Graduate Record Examinations (GRE) scores. What about for this coming application cycle, for admission in 2022?

This post is prompted by an inquiry from a philosophy professor looking to advise her students:

I was wondering if you might ask readers who teach in PhD programs to comment saying whether their programs will be requiring GRE scores from applicants during this coming admissions cycle (Dec/Jan due dates). It would be great to have this information for my students who will be applying.

The discussion regarding the previous cycle is here. See also the list compiled by Frederick Choo (Nanyang Tech) of schools not requiring the GRE as part of their admissions process for 2021 admittees.

It would be useful to hear both about programs that will not be requiring the GREs this time around, and also about programs that had previously lifted but are now reinstating their GRE requirements. Thank you.

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Kevin Zollman
2 years ago

Carnegie Mellon’s Philosophy Department waived the GRE requirement last year (but we accepted scores if students wanted to submit them). We are returning to our previous policy of requiring the GRE. Waivers are available for student who would have difficulty taking the GRE.

John Brunero
John Brunero
2 years ago

The Philosophy Department at the University of Nebraska — Lincoln is temporarily waiving the GRE requirement for the 2021-2022 application cycle.

Tim O'Keefe
2 years ago

Georgia State will no longer be requiring the GRE.

Errol Lord
2 years ago

University of Pennsylvania does not require (in fact, we don’t even accept) GRE scores. This is our standing policy, which we implemented before the pandemic.

Rachana Kamtekar
2 years ago

Cornell’s Sage School of Philosophy does not require the GRE and hasn’t for a number of years.

2 years ago

The University of Washington no longer requires the GRE, though we do still accept it.

The part of the GRE we’ve found most useful in the past is the quantitative one. With that in mind, for the statement of purpose, we now invite applicants to describe “any philosophically-relevant background in the sciences, engineering (including computer science), or mathematics.” This gives applicants another route beside the GRE.

None of that is to say that we require a demonstration of formal/mathematical skills from applicants (through the GRE or otherwise). It’s just one factor among many.

Kenny Easwaran
2 years ago

Texas A&M’s department had already filled out the paperwork to stop accepting GRE scores before the university suspended GRE requirements for all graduate programs. So there shouldn’t be a space for GRE scores on this year’s applications, but between all the university-level administrative changes (including moving to a new admissions platform) it wouldn’t surprise me if there’s a hitch somewhere.

Julie Klein
2 years ago

Villanova has discontinued use of the GRE in graduate philosophy admissions.

Alexander Guerrero
2 years ago

The Rutgers Philosophy Department will not require the GRE for the 2021-22 PhD admissions cycle as the COVID-19 pandemic continues worldwide.

Chandra Futillion
Chandra Futillion
Reply to  Alexander Guerrero
2 years ago

Alexander, I respect you as a warrior, but there is no pandemic in Uttar Pradesh, India. We might profitably reflect upon why some might believe such to be the case, in contradiction to the facts and in defiance of genuine science.

Georgi Gardiner
2 years ago

U. Tennessee does not require the GRE this year.

We haven’t decided about the future yet.


Daniel Sutherland
2 years ago

The UIC philosophy department suspended admissions last year, but is again accepting applications. We do not require GRE scores, nor do we consider them if a student submits them. If there are any further questions about the program, please feel free to contact Daniel Sutherland at [email protected]

Daniel Selcer
2 years ago

The Duquesne University Philosophy Department is waiving GRE requirements for the coming application cycle (though GRE scores will be considered for applicants who opt to submit them). Our doctoral admissions were suspended last year but have reopened.

Hille Paakkunainen
2 years ago

The Syracuse Philosophy Department will no longer require GRE scores, nor will we consider them even if submitted. This policy will continue until further notice.

Simon Căbulea May
2 years ago

The Philosophy Department at Florida State University will no longer be requiring GRE scores for admission to the MA and PhD programs, although applicants may still submit them for consideration.

The department assesses applications holistically, so regards submitted GRE scores as one data point among others. GRE scores are not used to filter out applications and their absence has no negative impact. When GRE scores are not submitted, applicants will be assessed entirely on the basis of the submitted materials as far as admission and departmental funding are concerned. However, GRE scores may have an impact on funding decisions outside the department’s control, such as for university-wide fellowships.

In essence, if you have (or anticipate that you will get) good GRE scores, it can be helpful to submit them. But non-submission of GRE scores per se will not have an adverse impact, as far as the department is concerned.

Sergio Tenenbaum
2 years ago

The University of Toronto will neither require nor consider GREs.

Sergio Tenenbaum
Reply to  Sergio Tenenbaum
2 years ago

Sorry, I meant the *Department of Philosophy* at the University of Toronto will neither require nor consider GREs. I have no knowledge of what’s happening in other departments.