No Gift Guide This Year, But You Can Help

I didn’t have time to put together a gift guide this year. Sorry.

This may be particularly egregious not just because 2020 was the kind of year whose end seems worth celebrating with gifts, but also because it saw the creation of what I’d guess is the world’s most expensive manual pencil sharpener, and you know I always include a pencil sharpener in these gift guides.

You can browse the previous years’ guides here. I’d also strongly suggest you check out the artworks and objects for sale made by the philosophers who write the Daily Nous comics: Rachel Katler, Tanya Kostochka, Ryan Lake, and Pete Mandik, which you can check out here.

But what I’d really like are your suggestions for good gifts! Mention them in the comments, and include links if you can. (They needn’t be philosophy or work-related, by the way.)

(P.S. If you shop at Amazon, consider doing so through this link, which will help support Daily Nous. Thanks.)

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Ian Olasov
3 years ago

I posted this on the Brooklyn Public Philosophers page:

Maybe someone in your life is interested in getting into philosophy? Maybe you think they would enjoy or have a knack for philosophy? Maybe they studied philosophy in college and miss being able to think and talk with other people about what matters to them? Maybe they just like learning interesting things? Maybe you want/have to get that person a present in the next few weeks?

Here are some ideas for philosophy gifts!

– A subscription to New Philosopher magazine (!
– Shew and Garchar’s Philosophy for Girls (!
– My Ask a Philosopher book (!
– Schwitzgebel’s A Theory of Jerks and Other Philosophical Misadventures (!
– Hay’s Think Like a Feminist (!
– A pre-order of Rogers and Turner’s African American Political Thought, which looks incredible (!
– A session with a philosophical counselor ( or!
– If they live near Sedona, a Sedona Philosophy tour (!

3 years ago

Digital photo frame. I like the ones made by Aura, which look more like real framed pictures than a tablet. For example:

3 years ago

I’m afraid Justin isn’t very familiar with luxury stationary. Unless this one isn’t manual enough for his tastes:

Jason "Merry Christmas" Brennan
Jason "Merry Christmas" Brennan
3 years ago

You can get this bad ass Music Man Majesty in tiger eye finish for only $4999. Anyone who wouldn’t want that as a gift isn’t a person worthy of a gift.