APDA Adds Board of Advisors

Academic Placement Data and Analysis (APDA), a project led by Carolyn Dicey Jennings (UC Merced) to gather, analyze, and present data about philosophy departments, including information about job placement, student experiences, departmental strengths, and diversity, has established a Board of Advisors.

The Board of Advisors will be tasked with, among other things, guiding APDA towards a Board of Directors organizational model in the coming years. Its current members are listed below, along with their appointment terms:

Marcus Arvan (Tampa), 2020-2022
Berit Brogaard (Miami), 2020-2023
Amy Ferrer (APA), 2020-2022
Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera (Bern), 2020-2021
Linus Huang (UC Berkeley), 2020-2021
Quill Kukla (Georgetown), 2020-2023
Mohan Matthen (Toronto), 2020-2022
Eric Schliesser (Amsterdam), 2020-2021
Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside), 2020-2023
Amia Srinivasan (Oxford), 2020-2021
Janet Stemwedel (San José State) , 2020-2023
Morgan Thompson (Bielefeld), 2020-2023
Manuel Vargas (UC San Diego), 2020-2022
Brian Weatherson (Michigan), 2020-2021
Kevin Zollman (Carnegie Mellon), 2020-2022

The Board held its first meeting last month and approved some initial changes to the APDA website, discussed here.

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