Trouble Seeing Comments?

A few Daily Nous readers have reported that occasionally when they view the site the comments on posts are not loading.

Instead of seeing the comments, they see something like:

The culprit could be your computer browser’s ad blocker.

Even if you aren’t having trouble viewing the comments, please adjust your computer’s browser settings to allow for the visibility of the ads at Daily Nous. The advertisers here share information about books, journals, events, opportunities, resources, and tools for philosophers. Your being able to see those ads, and your occasional clicking on them to learn more, is crucial for the continued existence of Daily Nous. Thanks.

If you know how to “whitelist” a site in the browser you use, please do so for Daily Nous.

If you are using Chrome, you can follow these instructions:

  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. Go to the main page of Daily Nous.
  3. To the left of the web address, click the info symbol (an “i” in a circle) or lock symbol.
  4. Click “site settings”
  5. Scroll down to “Ads.” To the right of ‘Ads’, click the Arrow(s).
  6. Choose “Allow” or “Always allow on this site”.
  7. Reload Daily Nous.

Thanks to Dale Miller for sharing this tip.

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3 years ago

The problem is different. Comments are not loading whenever the page is loaded via https rather than http. (This is probably a bug in the site. The specific error returned is ‘blocked:mixed-content’.) For some reason sometimes the comment links under ‘Recent Comments’ have https (usually they don’t), and when you click on that the comments do not load. So if that happens the user can change the url to http and the comments will load.

Reply to  Eliran
3 years ago

Yup, changing to http fixed this for me!

No other changes were made. Justin, it’s not me, it’s you. (jk)

benjamin s yost
benjamin s yost
Reply to  Nicole
3 years ago

Fabulous, thanks. Allowing ads didn’t work for me, but I use the extension httpseverywhere, so I’ll check to see if this is the culprit.

3 years ago

I have this problem regularly if I try to view the site on my iPhone. I love ads, and maybe my iPhone is blocking ads, but I’ve never done any particular to ask it to do so. I wonder if other people have similar iPhone experiences?

Josh Turkewitz
Josh Turkewitz
3 years ago

Clearing my cache has always resolved the problem for me.

Nicky Drake
Nicky Drake
3 years ago

I have this problem on my desktop but have Adblocker turned off for the site. The problem is only on Opera, though – it works fine for me on Chrome.

3 years ago

No adblocker, no https, and no comments. I get this maybe 90% of the time on Safari. Switching to Firefox usually (but not always) fixes it. It’s only Daily Nous: I’m not aware of another site where I have anything like this problem.

3 years ago

I have the problem about half the time. I don’t have an ad blocker enabled for this website. I’m using the chrome.

Sergio Tenenbaum
Sergio Tenenbaum
3 years ago

I don’t think this is the issue. I have Daily Nous whiltelisted and this often happens to me.

Sergio Tenenbaum
Sergio Tenenbaum
Reply to  Sergio Tenenbaum
3 years ago

Others might know better, so please correct me if I’m wrong. But the Chrome setting blocks only highly intrusive ads (i have it on and I see all the ads), and I can’t imagine interfering with anything on the site. I’m not sure it’s a good idea to turn it off.

3 years ago

I can’t see the comments on any browser from my laptop, adblockers all turned off, chaches cleared, histories deleted, etc. I can only view it all from my phone, which is pretty annoying. But it sure makes me feel better to see I’m not the only one!

David Wallace
3 years ago

I have this problem fairly frequently, and I don’t (think I) use an ad-blocker.

Alan White
3 years ago

Ironically right now I see the ads on this post, but the comments loading swirl is grinding away.

Oh and I just learned that I can’t post while the swirl is doing its thing. So this is a post-post-post.

Torin Doppelt
3 years ago

The problem is that the server isn’t set up properly for HTTPS connections (if you’re using cPanel on the server, there are configuration settings in it somewhere that will fix it: )

If you connect to you’ll find that the comments section and hyperlinked images won’t load (because they’re not coming from HTTPS sources). But if you change this to (and have HTTPS Everywhere disabled for the site) it will load just fine.

E.g., on the latest post about The Guardian’s philosophy rankings, I couldn’t see the comments, nor the posted image of the rankings via HTTPS, but it works just fine via HTTP.