New: Journal of Philosophy of Emotion (Updated)

The Journal of Philosophy of Emotion (JPE), a new online, open-access academic journal, has announced that it is now accepting manuscripts for publication.

The journal, which is affiliated with and funded by the Society for Philosophy of Emotion, aims to be

an internationally recognized, open access, philosophy journal specializing in the publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed papers that address philosophical interests on the topic of emotion, broadly construed (e.g., including affect), from a wide range of philosophical or interdisciplinary perspectives, across all traditions. The JPE holds that philosophers of emotion can learn from experts in other areas and disciplines, and vice versa, and is especially interested in work that demonstrate how issues in the philosophy of emotion are relevant to other areas in philosophy and other disciplines, and vice versa. It seeks to encourage an open exchange of ideas by providing a space where interdisciplinary pursuits in the philosophy of emotion can flourish, and it does not promote any specific ideology, school, tradition, or methodology. 

The journal’s editors are Cecilea Mun (Central Michigan University), Fiona Utley (University of New England, Australia), Jonathan Mitchell (University of Warwick), and Robert Zaborowski (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland).

The call for papers for its inaugural issue is here.

UPDATE (2/3/20): The inaugural issue of the journal has been published. You can access it here. In the meanwhile, the editorial team has had some changes. The current editors, editorial advisory board members, and editorial board members, are listed here.

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Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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