Philosophy Lecture Series News

A few items regarding philosophy lecture series at different schools…

  1. The Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas at the University of Oslo has created a new, named lecture series, called “The Examen Philosophicum Lecture,” or “Oslo Exphil.” Reidar Maliks writes: “A distinguished philosopher will each fall be invited to lecture on a topic relevant to the core curriculum course Examen Philosophicum. ‘Exphil,’ which has been mandatory for students at UiO since the university’s foundation in 1811, provides an introduction to the history of philosophy and to contemporary ethics. The lecture is intended to give students, and the general public, a view into the frontiers of research, and to stimulate their interest in academic theory and practice.” The inaugural lecture in the series, just last week, was by Peter Singer (Princeton), whose talk, “Forty Years On: Are All Animals Equal?” can be viewed here.
  2. The second annual Rutgers Lectures in Philosophy (previously) are being given by Sir Richard Sorabji (Oxford). His three lectures, each on the subject of Freedom of Speech, are beginning today. Abstracts of the lectures are here. (via Dean Zimmerman)
  3. The School of Philosophy at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia, has launched its “International Speaker Series“. Aaron James Wendland, an assistant professor of philosophy there, writes, “The series aims to build links between the Russian academy and the international intellectual community while simultaneously enhancing the English-speaking philosophy group in Moscow.” Those interested in possibly participating in the series should contact Professor Wendland.

If you have philosophy lecture series news, feel free to share it in the comments here, or email it to me.

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