University of Hawai‘i Receives $1.35m Grant For Philosophy In Schools Program

The Uehiro Foundation on Ethics and Education, a Japanese non-profit educational organization, has awarded a $1.35 million grant to the University of Hawai‘i to further develop its Uehiro Academy for Philosophy and Ethics in Education (which was established with a 2012 grant from the foundation).

The Academy is the home of “Philosophy for Children (p4c) Hawai’i.” Among its various projects is a collaboration with the University of Hawai‘i’s College of Education (COE) that has brought “philosophy for children” training into all of the college’s teacher training programs, according to a press release about the grant. The results include:

  • Hundreds of COE teacher candidates have successfully completed an introduction to philosophy for children Hawai‘i course and are now using the approach in their professional teaching practice.
  • Graduate students (both Masters and Doctoral candidates) have been able to focus their research on philosophy for children Hawai‘i.
  • Numerous research studies and scholarly articles about the “p4c Hawai‘i” approach to education have been published and disseminated globally.
  • A “philosophy for children Hawai‘i” COE Endorsed Certificate has been created to help meet the growing demand for local, national, and international p4cHI practitioners.
  • Three out of the last six Hawai‘i State Teachers of the Year are p4c Hawai’i practitioners.

Further information here.

The Uehiro Foundation funds a number of educational programs, including The Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics.

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recent grad
recent grad
6 years ago

This is great.

Geoff Ashton
Geoff Ashton
6 years ago

Awesome news! Such a great program for teachers and students at all levels of education. Good to see that this program is getting the recognition that it deserves.

owl of Minerva
owl of Minerva
6 years ago

THIS is what the APA is supposed to be doing…

Jason Brennan
Jason Brennan
Reply to  owl of Minerva
6 years ago

Agreed. It’s too bad the APA focuses more on funding activists’ pet political projects.