Caspar Hare AMA Interview Today; Others Scheduled

The moderators of the /r/philosophy board at the discussion site Reddit have released their Fall 2016 schedule of “ask me anything” interviews with philosophers. First up is Caspar Hare (MIT), today, at 1pm Eastern Standard Time. 

Other on the line-up this term include Kevin Scharp (St. Andrews), Kenneth Ehrenberg (Alabama), Geoff Pynn (Northern Illinois), and the directors of Wi-Phi.

The moderators write: “A couple days before each AMA we will post an announcement post for the upcoming AMA, where people can submit questions ahead of time for the philosopher(s) doing the AMA. They will also take questions live during the AMA.”

You can post advance questions for Caspar Hare’s interview here. At 1pm, you can go to the /r/philosophy board to find the link to the live interview.


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felonius screwtape
felonius screwtape
7 years ago

wow. al men. probably all white men. talking about traditionalist areas of specialization. to a reddit group. what could go wrong ?

Jamie Dreier
Jamie Dreier
7 years ago

Caspar Hare’s was excellent. Well done, Caspar!

For now find the whole thing here. It’s supposed to be archived soon and it will get a permanent doi.

reddit philosophy moderators
7 years ago

Many thanks to Justin for advertising Professor Hare’s AMA, as well as the link to the schedule for future AMAs, which we hope to update soon. If people have additional comments, suggestions or queries, we encourage them to contact us at redditphilosophy (at) gmail, or to post them here.

In addition to thanking Justin, I’d like to take a second to address felonius screwtape’s concern. The moderators of /r/philosophy acknowledge that the group of AMAs currently scheduled is problematic for including only white men, and are working hard to address that issue currently. We hope to get some women included to this fall series, and are aiming at 50/50 gender representation for the spring series, as well as inclusion of other underrepresented minorities in our discipline.

In the meantime, I’d like to point to the two most recent AMAs before the fall series began, also organised by the moderators of /r/philosophy. The most recent was a joint AMA between Michael Puett and Christine Gross-Loh on the history of Chinese philosophy and its application to current life. The second most recent was by Jennifer Nagel, on epistemology.

This of course does not make up for the lack of underrepresented groups on the current AMA series, and we both acknowledge and apologise for that mistake. We will take take strides to make sure that this mistake is not repeated in the future. In the meantime, we thank you for your patience.