Daily Nous Turns 2

Daily Nous turns 2 today!

Time flies. I was looking through the old scrapbook the other day and it is amazing how much DN has changed since those first few months…

daily nous early scrapbook

Daily Nous continues to grow. Over the past year it was visited nearly three and a half million times, and there are bunch of new features at the site, as I detailed in the end-of-2015 post.

I’d like to thank those who help make Daily Nous possible, including not only those who write and draw for the site—Louie Generis, Rachel Katler, Tanya Kostochka, Ryan Lake, Pete Mandik, and all of the guest posters—but also those of you who send in links and ideas for posts, and those who follow Daily Nous on Facebook and Twitter, and share posts there, and of course those who contribute to the conversation by commenting here. Thanks, also, to those organizations and individuals that advertise on Daily Nous, as well as John Hunt, who handles IT issues for the site.

Are you wondering what you can get Daily Nous for its birthday?

I didn’t think so. BUT… I’m always curious about what you’d like to see on Daily Nous. So if you have ideas for features, topics, or whatever, feel free to mention them in the comments.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Dale Miller
8 years ago

I’d like to see more ukulele-themed content.

8 years ago

Congrats Justin (and to Daily Nous)! DN is easily my most-visited philosophy blog.

Louie Generis
Louie Generis
8 years ago

So, I might be a smidgen biased here, but thanks for this great site, and the professional service it provides!

My Daily Nous birthday present? I’m thinking of turning in a column on time.

Louie Generis
Louie Generis
Reply to  Louie Generis
8 years ago

I mean, I won’t. But I’m definitely thinking about it. Happy birthday.

The Doctor
The Doctor
Reply to  Louie Generis
8 years ago

I would love to hear what Louie Generis thinks about time. Is LG a presentist? An eternalist?

Louie Generis
Louie Generis
Reply to  The Doctor
8 years ago

I’m constantly out of time. Whatever view that is.

Louie Generis
Louie Generis
Reply to  The Doctor
8 years ago

Time is not an abundant property. There we go.

Alfred MacDonald
Alfred MacDonald
8 years ago

the terrible twos are always the worst. you’re just learning to share and go from crawling to walking. it’s a tough time in any toddler’s life.

Alfred MacDonald
Alfred MacDonald
Reply to  Alfred MacDonald
8 years ago

but seriously I’d like to see more analytic content / updates about new or big articles that have been published / relevant studies from other fields / just more information in general

right now the content is half informative, half philosophical TMZ

Nicky Drake
Nicky Drake
8 years ago

Thanks so much for this site and all your hard work on it, Justin.

Kathryn Pogin
Kathryn Pogin
8 years ago