We Can Do This (updated)

Most of us believe it would be better for students to be exposed to philosophy before starting college, for various reasons. A public high school in the town of Saginaw, Michigan is trying to accomplish that, but it needs our help.

Kirk Wolf is professor of philosophy at Delta College and advisor to the Philosophy Club at the Saginaw Arts and Sciences Academy. The club began at the start of the academic year, and while it is making progress—the club has officers, bylaws, and has had regular meetings—it is somewhat constrained. Professor Wolf explains:

I am the adviser to the club, and although we’ve accomplished a lot this first year, our philosophical progress has been limited by the lack of textbooks for the students; they want to read philosophy, and learn to read it well, not just learn about philosophical issues. 

To remedy this, the students have undertaken a fundraising campaign so they can purchase used textbooks for their club. Their goal is $1000. Delta College has already pledged $500, so all they need is $500 more.

It will take two minutes. Please go to their fundraising page and make a donation. We can do this, people.

UPDATE (3/13/15): We did it! Less than 11 hours, folks. Not bad. They are still accepting donations, and I am sure they would appreciate ideas on how best to use the funds, so feel free to make suggestions in the comments here.

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9 years ago

They can download every major work of philosophy written before the 1900s from gutenberg.org (or other places) freely and legally. If they want to hold paper and ink in their hands, then why not buy a laser printer, toner, and a case of paper? (Or skip that, and just use the $500 for a kick-ass pizza party.)

Matt McAadam
Matt McAadam
9 years ago

Anon makes a really good point in that if emphasizes the importance of just going to the original sources.

Eddy Nahmias
Eddy Nahmias
9 years ago

Why purchase used textbooks when most of us profs have tons of them laying around the office, sent to us by the publishers to try to get us to adopt them. I would pay for shipping to send them at least 5 if they email me (unless someone explains why this would be breaking some law).