Bye, 2014

Bye, 2014

I wasn’t quite sure how to wrap up the year. A parody of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off”? Too cheesy. A video montage of action sequences from a year of blogging (me, staring at phone; me, sitting in front of laptop; etc.)? Too boring. An ironic play in which an enormous baby keeps whining about infantilism? Too realistic. A grandiose statement about progress in the profession? I would never.

So what, then?

First, some gratitude. I’d like to thank you all for stopping by to read Daily Nous. I put a lot of work into the site, and I am glad that you find it worth visiting. Some of you have taken the time to write me notes, recommend links and ideas, send in news, join discussions, share posts on social media, and provide critical feedback. This really helps keep Daily Nous flourishing, and I very much appreciate it. (For those curious, during the past three months the site has averaged over 10,160 views per day.) If you have suggestions, please don’t hesitate to email them to me.

Second, some hopes. While we’ve covered a number of important topics in the philosophy profession, problems still remain. I hope that in the upcoming year Daily Nous continues to serve as a forum in which a diverse range of voices raise and discuss issues of concern, and I hope that more and more people feel welcome to participate in these discussions.

Third, I thought I would link to a few of my favorite posts/discussions of the year:
Teaching Philosophy in Prisons.
Bryce Huebner’s interview of Jim Maffie (I’ll try to get some more “philosophers interviewing philosophers” for the coming year).
The Non-Academic Hires page.
Daily Mousse (the collection of hair-themed April Fools Day posts).
Philosophers from Poverty (in which many philosophers discuss the impact of class on their status in and feelings about the profession).
Why Did You Go Into Philosophy? (130 responses from a variety of philosophers).

Last, but not least, best wishes for a happy new year, everybody!


(art: photo of detail of untitled mobile by Lee Bontecou)

Take Time Off 3

The Hedgehog Review
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John Protevi
John Protevi
9 years ago

Thank you, Justin!

Amelia Wirts
Amelia Wirts
9 years ago

I personally like the “Shake It Off” parody.

9 years ago

Wonderful to end the year with the art of the brilliant Lee Bontecou!

anonymous prof
anonymous prof
9 years ago

There are a whole class of posts that did not make it into your year-end list, maybe because you were trying to avoid too much controversy. I’ll point to just one which I think exemplifies how valuable it has been to have a new voice in philosophy news:

Kathryn Pogin
Kathryn Pogin
9 years ago

Thanks for blogging Justin! And if you ever decide to put together that parody, here’s some inspiration for the choreography:

Leigh M. Johnson
9 years ago

So thankful for the appearance of DN in 2014! Thanks, Justin!

9 years ago

Daily Nous is the best. Thanks for everything you do!

Daniel Muñoz
Daniel Muñoz
9 years ago

If I could add one DN post to the year-end list, it’d probably be your apology after the unfortunate post about women’s interests. In my mind, that set the tone for this blog—you listened to critics, gave a sincere apology, and never lashed out. (For legal reasons, let me cancel any implicatures I might be giving off about the rest of the blogosphere!)

That moment, along with so many others, makes me optimistic about philosophy in 2015. We’re nowhere close to solving our problems with race, sex, gender, class, disability, respectfulness…, but I feel that we’re at least making progress, and that DailyNous has been a part of that. So, three cheers for you, and here’s hoping that DN does even better next year!

For more reasons to be optimistic, see: (these might make for a good resolution) (effects aside, it was intrinsically good!)